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PrestoSQL Docker Quickstart (with no Hadoop)

What is it?

This docker image allows you to quickly play with PrestoSQL. It comes pre-bundled with MinIO. There is absolutely no running Hadoop component in it. It is perfect for local development when you have a bunch of data in CSV/ORC format and you just want to query it.

Some say that it is the next best thing to sourdough bread.

How do I launch the container?

Simply run command docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -it --name presto-local gauravphoenix/presto-local-no-hadoop:latest

Make sure that your machine is not running any process on port 8080 and 9000. Presto is exposed on port 8080 and MinIO on port 9000

To exit the container, press control/CMD-C

Great, how do I interact with it?

Download the Presto CLI from here and run command java -jar presto-cli-<version>-executable.jar --catalog rabbithole. You should get a presto> prompt. If you don't, this means that the container is not running. Note that the catalog name rabbithole. This catalog (backed by Hive connector) comes pre-bundled with the image. You can find its configuration under /presto-server/etc/catalog/rabbithole.propertiesfile in the container.

Now let's create a schema using the command CREATE SCHEMA default; and then use it via running command use default;

Show me the data.

Sure. Let's create an external table via command create table baz (c1 varchar, c2 varchar) WITH (external_location='s3a://csvdata/',format = 'csv');
and query it via select * from baz;

Following screenshot shows the command sequence we have used since we got the Presto CLI shell-

example shell

Wait, is there really no Hadoop involved?

Yes and no. No Because we are not running any Zookeeper, data node etc. Yes because we are using the hive connector. The Prestos' hive connector uses the Hive Metastore but does not use it for any query execution. Notice that in rabbithole.propertiesfile we have specified following two configuration directives which make Presto use s3 backed hive metastore-


How do I interact with data files being queried by Presto?

There are two ways.

  1. Using web interface of MinIO. Simply go to http://localhost:9000 with username minioadmin and password minioadmin and you will find a bucket named csvdata. You can download data.csv file from there, modify it and upload it back and re-query using Presto CLI.

  2. You can also use AWS CLI. Simply create a profile named mio under ~/.aws/config. Simply append [profile mio]. Now go to ~/.aws/credentials file and put these credentials there-

    aws_access_key_id = minioadmin  
    aws_secret_access_key = minioadmin  

    And that's pretty much it. You can use run AWS CLI and query the bucket inside the docker container e.g. aws --profile mio --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 s3 ls s3://csvdata/

How closely it resembles the actual production setup?

The major difference is that we are not using a real Hive metastore here. In production, you would want to use something like AWS Glue or a real Apache Hive Metastore.










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