All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
listDeliveryContracts | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts | List all futures contracts |
getDeliveryContract | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts/{contract} | Get a single contract |
listDeliveryOrderBook | GET /delivery/{settle}/order_book | Futures order book |
listDeliveryTrades | GET /delivery/{settle}/trades | Futures trading history |
listDeliveryCandlesticks | GET /delivery/{settle}/candlesticks | Get futures candlesticks |
listDeliveryTickers | GET /delivery/{settle}/tickers | List futures tickers |
listDeliveryInsuranceLedger | GET /delivery/{settle}/insurance | Futures insurance balance history |
listDeliveryAccounts | GET /delivery/{settle}/accounts | Query futures account |
listDeliveryAccountBook | GET /delivery/{settle}/account_book | Query account book |
listDeliveryPositions | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions | List all positions of a user |
getDeliveryPosition | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract} | Get single position |
updateDeliveryPositionMargin | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin |
updateDeliveryPositionLeverage | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage |
updateDeliveryPositionRiskLimit | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit |
listDeliveryOrders | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders | List futures orders |
createDeliveryOrder | POST /delivery/{settle}/orders | Create a futures order |
cancelDeliveryOrders | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders | Cancel all `open` orders matched |
getDeliveryOrder | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
cancelDeliveryOrder | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
getMyDeliveryTrades | GET /delivery/{settle}/my_trades | List personal trading history |
listDeliveryPositionClose | GET /delivery/{settle}/position_close | List position close history |
listDeliveryLiquidates | GET /delivery/{settle}/liquidates | List liquidation history |
listDeliverySettlements | GET /delivery/{settle}/settlements | List settlement history |
listDeliveryRiskLimitTiers | GET /delivery/{settle}/risk_limit_tiers | List risk limit tiers |
listPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrders | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | List all auto orders |
createPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | POST /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrderList | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
getPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryContracts(settle)
List all futures contracts
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> DeliveryContract
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: DeliveryContract; }> getDeliveryContract(settle, contract)
Get a single contract
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
api.getDeliveryContract(settle, contract)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: DeliveryContract; }> DeliveryContract
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesOrderBook; }> listDeliveryOrderBook(settle, contract, opts)
Futures order book
Bids will be sorted by price from high to low, while asks sorted reversely
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const opts = {
'interval': '0', // '0' | '0.1' | '0.01' | Order depth. 0 means no aggregation is applied. default to 0
'limit': 10, // number | Maximum number of order depth data in asks or bids
'withId': false // boolean | Whether the order book update ID will be returned. This ID increases by 1 on every order book update
api.listDeliveryOrderBook(settle, contract, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
interval | Interval | Order depth. 0 means no aggregation is applied. default to 0 | [optional] [default to '0'] |
limit | number | Maximum number of order depth data in asks or bids | [optional] [default to 10] |
withId | boolean | Whether the order book update ID will be returned. This ID increases by 1 on every order book update | [optional] [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesOrderBook; }> FuturesOrderBook
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryTrades(settle, contract, opts)
Futures trading history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const opts = {
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'lastId': "12345", // string | Specify the starting point for this list based on a previously retrieved id This parameter is deprecated. Use `from` and `to` instead to limit time range
'from': 1546905600, // number | Specify starting time in Unix seconds. If not specified, `to` and `limit` will be used to limit response items. If items between `from` and `to` are more than `limit`, only `limit` number will be returned.
'to': 1546935600 // number | Specify end time in Unix seconds, default to current time
api.listDeliveryTrades(settle, contract, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
lastId | string | Specify the starting point for this list based on a previously retrieved id This parameter is deprecated. Use `from` and `to` instead to limit time range | [optional] [default to undefined] |
from | number | Specify starting time in Unix seconds. If not specified, `to` and `limit` will be used to limit response items. If items between `from` and `to` are more than `limit`, only `limit` number will be returned. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
to | number | Specify end time in Unix seconds, default to current time | [optional] [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesTrade
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryCandlesticks(settle, contract, opts)
Get futures candlesticks
Return specified contract candlesticks. If prefix `contract` with `mark_`, the contract's mark price candlesticks are returned; if prefix with `index_`, index price candlesticks will be returned. Maximum of 2000 points are returned in one query. Be sure not to exceed the limit when specifying `from`, `to` and `interval`
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const opts = {
'from': 1546905600, // number | Start time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default to`to - 100 * interval` if not specified
'to': 1546935600, // number | End time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default to current time
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum recent data points to return. `limit` is conflicted with `from` and `to`. If either `from` or `to` is specified, request will be rejected.
'interval': '5m' // '10s' | '30s' | '1m' | '5m' | '15m' | '30m' | '1h' | '2h' | '4h' | '6h' | '8h' | '12h' | '1d' | '7d' | '1w' | '30d' | Interval time between data points. Note that `1w` means natual week(Mon-Sun), while `7d` means every 7d since unix 0
api.listDeliveryCandlesticks(settle, contract, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
from | number | Start time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default to`to - 100 * interval` if not specified | [optional] [default to undefined] |
to | number | End time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default to current time | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum recent data points to return. `limit` is conflicted with `from` and `to`. If either `from` or `to` is specified, request will be rejected. | [optional] [default to 100] |
interval | Interval | Interval time between data points. Note that `1w` means natual week(Mon-Sun), while `7d` means every 7d since unix 0 | [optional] [default to '5m'] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> DeliveryCandlestick
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryTickers(settle, opts)
List futures tickers
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814" // string | Futures contract
api.listDeliveryTickers(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesTicker
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryInsuranceLedger(settle, opts)
Futures insurance balance history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'limit': 100 // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
api.listDeliveryInsuranceLedger(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> InsuranceRecord
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesAccount; }> listDeliveryAccounts(settle)
Query futures account
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesAccount; }> FuturesAccount
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryAccountBook(settle, opts)
Query account book
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'from': 1547706332, // number | Start timestamp
'to': 1547706332, // number | End timestamp
'type': "dnw" // 'dnw' | 'pnl' | 'fee' | 'refr' | 'fund' | 'point_dnw' | 'point_fee' | 'point_refr' | Changing Type: - dnw: Deposit & Withdraw - pnl: Profit & Loss by reducing position - fee: Trading fee - refr: Referrer rebate - fund: Funding - point_dnw: POINT Deposit & Withdraw - point_fee: POINT Trading fee - point_refr: POINT Referrer rebate
api.listDeliveryAccountBook(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
from | number | Start timestamp | [optional] [default to undefined] |
to | number | End timestamp | [optional] [default to undefined] |
type | Type | Changing Type: - dnw: Deposit & Withdraw - pnl: Profit & Loss by reducing position - fee: Trading fee - refr: Referrer rebate - fund: Funding - point_dnw: POINT Deposit & Withdraw - point_fee: POINT Trading fee - point_refr: POINT Referrer rebate | [optional] [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesAccountBook
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryPositions(settle)
List all positions of a user
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> Position
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Position; }> getDeliveryPosition(settle, contract)
Get single position
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
api.getDeliveryPosition(settle, contract)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Position; }> Position
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Position; }> updateDeliveryPositionMargin(settle, contract, change)
Update position margin
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const change = "0.01"; // string | Margin change. Use positive number to increase margin, negative number otherwise.
api.updateDeliveryPositionMargin(settle, contract, change)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
change | string | Margin change. Use positive number to increase margin, negative number otherwise. | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Position; }> Position
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Position; }> updateDeliveryPositionLeverage(settle, contract, leverage)
Update position leverage
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const leverage = "10"; // string | New position leverage
api.updateDeliveryPositionLeverage(settle, contract, leverage)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
leverage | string | New position leverage | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Position; }> Position
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Position; }> updateDeliveryPositionRiskLimit(settle, contract, riskLimit)
Update position risk limit
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const riskLimit = "10"; // string | New position risk limit
api.updateDeliveryPositionRiskLimit(settle, contract, riskLimit)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
riskLimit | string | New position risk limit | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Position; }> Position
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryOrders(settle, status, opts)
List futures orders
Zero-filled order cannot be retrieved 10 minutes after order cancellation
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const status = "open"; // 'open' | 'finished' | Only list the orders with this status
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'offset': 0, // number | List offset, starting from 0
'lastId': "12345", // string | Specify list staring point using the `id` of last record in previous list-query results
'countTotal': 0 // 0 | 1 | Whether to return total number matched. Default to 0(no return)
api.listDeliveryOrders(settle, status, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
status | Status | Only list the orders with this status | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
offset | number | List offset, starting from 0 | [optional] [default to 0] |
lastId | string | Specify list staring point using the `id` of last record in previous list-query results | [optional] [default to undefined] |
countTotal | CountTotal | Whether to return total number matched. Default to 0(no return) | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesOrder; }> createDeliveryOrder(settle, futuresOrder)
Create a futures order
Zero-filled order cannot be retrieved 10 minutes after order cancellation
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const futuresOrder = new FuturesOrder(); // FuturesOrder |
api.createDeliveryOrder(settle, futuresOrder)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
futuresOrder | FuturesOrder |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesOrder; }> FuturesOrder
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> cancelDeliveryOrders(settle, contract, opts)
Cancel all `open` orders matched
Zero-filled order cannot be retrieved 10 minutes after order cancellation
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT_20200814"; // string | Futures contract
const opts = {
'side': "ask" // 'ask' | 'bid' | All bids or asks. Both included if not specified
api.cancelDeliveryOrders(settle, contract, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
side | Side | All bids or asks. Both included if not specified | [optional] [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesOrder; }> getDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
Get a single order
Zero-filled order cannot be retrieved 10 minutes after order cancellation
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const orderId = "12345"; // string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID
api.getDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
orderId | string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesOrder; }> FuturesOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesOrder; }> cancelDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
Cancel a single order
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const orderId = "12345"; // string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID
api.cancelDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
orderId | string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesOrder; }> FuturesOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> getMyDeliveryTrades(settle, opts)
List personal trading history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'order': 12345, // number | Futures order ID, return related data only if specified
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'offset': 0, // number | List offset, starting from 0
'lastId': "12345", // string | Specify list staring point using the `id` of last record in previous list-query results
'countTotal': 0 // 0 | 1 | Whether to return total number matched. Default to 0(no return)
api.getMyDeliveryTrades(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
order | number | Futures order ID, return related data only if specified | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
offset | number | List offset, starting from 0 | [optional] [default to 0] |
lastId | string | Specify list staring point using the `id` of last record in previous list-query results | [optional] [default to undefined] |
countTotal | CountTotal | Whether to return total number matched. Default to 0(no return) | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> MyFuturesTrade
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryPositionClose(settle, opts)
List position close history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'limit': 100 // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
api.listDeliveryPositionClose(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> PositionClose
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryLiquidates(settle, opts)
List liquidation history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'at': 0 // number | Specify a liquidation timestamp
api.listDeliveryLiquidates(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
at | number | Specify a liquidation timestamp | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesLiquidate
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliverySettlements(settle, opts)
List settlement history
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'at': 0 // number | Specify a settlement timestamp
api.listDeliverySettlements(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
at | number | Specify a settlement timestamp | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> DeliverySettlement
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listDeliveryRiskLimitTiers(settle, opts)
List risk limit tiers
When the 'contract' parameter is not passed, the default is to query the risk limits for the top 100 markets.'Limit' and 'offset' correspond to pagination queries at the market level, not to the length of the returned array. This only takes effect when the 'contract' parameter is empty.
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT_20200814", // string | Futures contract
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'offset': 0 // number | List offset, starting from 0
api.listDeliveryRiskLimitTiers(settle, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
offset | number | List offset, starting from 0 | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesLimitRiskTiers
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> listPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrders(settle, status, opts)
List all auto orders
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const status = "status_example"; // 'open' | 'finished' | Only list the orders with this status
const opts = {
'contract': "BTC_USDT", // string | Futures contract, return related data only if specified
'limit': 100, // number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
'offset': 0 // number | List offset, starting from 0
api.listPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrders(settle, status, opts)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
status | Status | Only list the orders with this status | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract, return related data only if specified | [optional] [default to undefined] |
limit | number | Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list | [optional] [default to 100] |
offset | number | List offset, starting from 0 | [optional] [default to 0] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: TriggerOrderResponse; }> createPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, futuresPriceTriggeredOrder)
Create a price-triggered order
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const futuresPriceTriggeredOrder = new FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder(); // FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder |
api.createPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, futuresPriceTriggeredOrder)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
futuresPriceTriggeredOrder | FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: TriggerOrderResponse; }> TriggerOrderResponse
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: Array; }> cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrderList(settle, contract)
Cancel all open orders
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const contract = "BTC_USDT"; // string | Futures contract
api.cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrderList(settle, contract)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: Array; }> FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder; }> getPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
Get a price-triggered order
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const orderId = "orderId_example"; // string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID
api.getPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
orderId | string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder; }> FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder; }> cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
cancel a price-triggered order
const GateApi = require('gate-api');
const client = new GateApi.ApiClient();
// uncomment the next line to change base path
// client.basePath = "https://some-other-host"
// Configure Gate APIv4 key authentication:
client.setApiKeySecret("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
const api = new GateApi.DeliveryApi(client);
const settle = "usdt"; // 'usdt' | Settle currency
const orderId = "orderId_example"; // string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID
api.cancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder(settle, orderId)
.then(value => console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ', value.body),
error => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settle | Settle | Settle currency | [default to undefined] |
orderId | string | Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID | [default to undefined] |
Promise<{ response: AxiosResponse; body: FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder; }> FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json