Below are the requirements for the task:
Please create a simple Android app that uses the Numbers API ( The app should allow the user to get a fact on a random number as well as have the ability and search for a fact about a specific date, The app should cover the following criteria:
Be written in Kotlin
Use of constraint layouts
Follow the MVVM pattern
Grab one from here ( or just build
- On the Trivia page:
- You can generate a random number and get a fact about that number. The random number is between 0 and 100. I noticed fewer facts on numbers greater than a 100.
- The Trivia page also has an input field where you can enter your own number and get a fact about that number.
- Please note that a number can have multiple facts. Hence, after randomly generating a number or entering a number in the textfield, you can get different facts after pressing the "Search" button repetitively.
- On the date page:
- You can use a normal date picker (more info here: to pick a day and month. The year is ignored.
- After pressing search, you get a fact about that date.
- Please note that a date can have multiple facts. Hence, after choosing a date, you can get different facts after pressing the "Search" button repetitively.
- Trivia and Date are part of a viewpager2 (with a TabLayout)
- Get Java JDK (You can use the Oracle JDK or the OpenJDK one). Download JDK 11 or above.
- Add the JDK to your path
- Set the JAVA_HOME value in the environment. For Unix and Linux based OS, you can use the command "whereis java". Mine is in /usr/bin/JAVA. You can then set it using export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/JAVA. On my Mac, I add add export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/JAVA to *~ /.bash_profile* and then do source ~/.bash_profile to have JAVA_HOME added permanently to the path.
- Android Studio (Download one from here:
You can use git clone
to check out the project
or use a git based UI app like or
Open Android studio
Click on "Import project" or "Open Project" as seen in these screenshots below:
If you don't already have build and compile tools, Android Studio will need to download those tools which might take some time.
Project gradle syncing -- This process is quite lengthy, so you might want to go grab a cup of coffee/tea/beer if it's beer Friday 😂
Android Studio might default to a JDK lower than 11 (I think depending on what version of Android Studio you are using). In this case, you can select the JDK >=11 by going to: Android Studio Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> ** Gradle** -> Select the Gradle JDK in the window on the right. Please see image below:
Android Studio will sync again.
Run the the app:
- Kotlin DSL for gradle management
- Android Studio for IDE
- Kotlin for coding language
- MVVM for design pattern
- XML layouts instead of Jetpack Compose
- Architecture components
- Android Hilt for dependency injection
- Retrofit for RESTful calls
- Coroutines for thread management
- LiveData for communication between ViewModels and android views (Fragments and Activities)
- Flow for communication between non Android context components
- I decided to organize the project in a modular way.
- The actuall design pattern as per request is MVVM.
- But underneath, I created the
modules. My experience is that this allows different teams to work independently without so much confliction.- The
module is a standardkotlin
library module. - The
modules areAndroid Library
modules. This should not be the case though. They deal with backend work/interacting and should definitely bekotlin-library
modules instead. However, because I was using Hilt for dependency injection in Android modules, I did not want to use a second library for DI in these modules. This is because Hilt is not supported in non Android modules.
- The
- Please don't pay much attention to the UI.
- Definitely needs a redesign
- I did not focus on it and would be happy to build a proper UI.
- You will notice there are no progress indicators :):
- Also, I have a small coverage of unit tests. I know that traditionally, we should write unit tests first.
- I am happy to have 100% coverage + UI tests later.