To get the invitation to the private meetup in Yandex self-driving, the participants had to solve a simple computer-vision problem using the standard library only (except numpy in case of python).
Detect the plane of the road in static lidar points cloud. The plane is described by four coefficients.
The solution was evaluated for accuracy and performance.
Limits: 64 mb RAM; 15 sec. running on a single core CPU.
There were some test examples given, which contains points coordinates in 3D space.
Also we knew that the road takes more than 50% of the points and these points should be concetrated in some neighborhood determined by input value p
We can fit a simple linear regression on given points coordinates. But there are a lot of outliers in the data, which will cause the problems in detecting road plane. So it's better to use the ransac regression algorithm in this case, for its' robustness.
The main idea is to iteratively sample triplets of points, find a plane and calculate the number of neighbors. After finding the good initial plane, we can now fit a plane using all neighbors found.
But for sake of speed-up, we need to somehow stop iteratining earlier. We can do it in various ways: empirically find optimal max. amount of iterations, which provides minimum value of plane coefficients dispersion; stop iterating after finding the plane wich has more than a 50% of points being its' neighbors and so on.
In my implementation I used both methods, but keep in mind - it's less guaranteed to find the accurate plane using the second approach, but on the other hand we may accidentally get a "good" set of points in the early iterations and almost instantly solve a problem.
So I had the folowing results:
- 2.5 sec. & 5.12 Mb - "baseline";
- 46ms & 1.46 mb - the best result passing all the tests.
I've been using GNU C++11 4.9
and the folowing compilation settings:
g++ -O2 -fno-stack-limit -x c++ detect_road_plane.cpp -o detect_road_plane
You can also run
for speed measures.