##AngularJS Dynamic Quiz Example
AngularJS-based Quiz project for blog post, Data-Driven Form Design with AngularJS's Two-Way Data Binding and Custom Directives. Uses two-way data binding and custom directives to create and display a quiz, with multiple types of questions, from a JSON file.
- Project based on [Yeoman generator for AngularJS] (http://yeoman.io).
- Basic and advanced quiz examples. Read the blog post for more information.
- Reads JSON data files, using a $resource in factory services.
- JSON files contain quiz data: questions, choices, answer, etc.
- Displays questions based on question type: multiple choice, multiple correct, or true-false, using custom directives.
- Demonstrates the use of an Angular filter, custom directives, and the use of partials view templates.
- git
- npm (part of Node.js)
- Yeoman (yo, Bower, Grunt)
- PhantomJS (optional - Karma unit tests)
- David (optional - dependency management)
####Installation Install GitHub project
git clone https://github.com/garystafford/angular-quiz.git
cd angular-quiz
npm install
bower install
Install base project using generator-angular
npm install -g generator-angular
mkdir quiz-app && cd $_
yo angular quiz
yo angular:route quizAdvanced
yo angular:factory quizAdvancedFactory
yo angular:directive quizTrueFalseDirective
Start Project grunt serve
Test Project grunt test
Update npm dependencies within project (use david-dm.org)
npm install -g david
david update
- Document project features and objectives
- Add functionality to save results to file with username and timestamp
- Add functionality to use charting (chartjs) and graphing (d3).