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Backup files and folders

Install globally

cd bak
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Insert in path environment




Create a new configuration file

bak create <config_file>


Add a file or folder to a configuration file

bak add <file_folder> <config_file>


Run a configuration file

bak run <config_file>

Configuration file

  // Directory where the backup will be made (required)
  "to": "",

  // Array with the files and folders to backup (optional)
  "backup": [
      // Name of backup (optional)
      "name": "",

      // Description of backup (optional)
      "description": "",

      // Path to file or folder to backup (required)
      // This can be a string or a array of strings
      "from": "",

      // Type of compression: "", "7z", "zip" (optional, default="")
      "compression": "",

      // A subfolder is created inside the backup folder with this name
      // and it is where the content will be stored (optional, default=current backup path)
      "subfolder": "",

      // When a folder is specified in from path, is posible filter
      // the files/folder inside the folder with this option
      // it is possible set multiple filters separated with ";" (optional, default="" <no filter>)
      "match": "",

      // Rename the file o folder (optional, default=current name of file/folder)
      // Note: Be careful when the path is an array and no compression is needed
      // you need always set the "/o" patter to differentiate files and folder
      // patterns that can be used:
      // /s - Timestamp => yyyyMMddhhmmss
      // /d - Date => yyyyMMdd
      // /t - Time => hhmmss
      // /o - Original name of file/folder
      // /n - Name of element
      // /b - Subfolder of element
      "rename": "",

      // Only keep "n" number of backups. This is useful when you have
      // a rename pattern like "/d_/o" and you want to delete previous backups
      // to only keep "n" backups (optional, default=0 <means no delete any backup>)
      // Note: This option only takes effect if the "rename" property
      // is specified in the element
      "keep": 3,

      // Backup this item? (optional, default=true)
      "active": true,

      // Copy first to temp folder (optional, default=false)
      // This is util when the compression is used and the files/folders
      // are in use
      "temp": false


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