Swift를 처음 접하는 초보자를 위한 튜토리얼 해설
2022년 08월 11일, 모든 코드의 리팩터링을 완료했습니다.
Section 1 Create a New Project and Explore the Canvas
Section 2 Customize the Text View
Section 3 Combine Views Using Stacks
Section 4 Create a Custom Image View
Section 5 Use SwiftUI Views From Other Frameworks
Section 6 Compose the Detail View
Section 1 Create a Landmark Model
Section 3 Customize the Row Preview
Section 4 Create the List of Landmarks
Section 5 Make the List Dynamic
Section 6 Set Up Navigation Between List and Detail
Section 7 Pass Data into Child Views
Section 8 Generate Previews Dynamically
Section 1 Mark the User’s Favorite Landmarks
Section 2 Filter the List View
Section 3 Add a Control to Toggle the State
Section 4 Use an Observable Object for Storage