This repository contains components to establish network connectivity for Shoot clusters.
VPN Server - a component that configures and runs OpenVPN in server mode. It serves an endpoint for incoming connections and allows contacting any IP address within the networks of a Shoot cluster (which are usually private).
VPN Client- a component that configures and runs OpenVPN in client mode. It establishes connectivity from a Shoot cluster to the endpoint in the Seed cluster allowing contacting any IP address within its network and routes the packets back to the caller.
Main features:
- The VPN supports all combinations of IP families:
on both sides, i.e. control plane (seed) and shootIPv4/IPv6
dual stack on control plane (seed) and any IP families on shootIPv6
on both control plane (seed) and shoot
- It always uses an
transfer network for the VPN tunnel. - It supports two modes
- the default mode is one VPN server on the seed side and one VPN client on the shoot side
- in HA mode, the VPN connectivity is realized using two separate VPN servers on the control plane side and multiple VPN clients both on control plane and shoot sides combining the two VPN tunnels into a single connection using a bonding device.
- It is written in Go
Please see Reversed VPN Tunnel Setup and Configuration for a detailed discussion of the architecture.
Set up a local Gardener environment following Deploying Gardener Locally
Essential step:
make kind-up gardener-up
Follow Creating a Shoot Cluster to create a shoot cluster
Essential step:
kubectl apply -f example/provider-local/shoot.yaml
If you want to test the VPN in HA mode, annotate the shoot with
kubectl -n garden-local annotate shoot local
build the docker images and push them to the local Gardener registry with
VPN client image
make vpn-client-to-gardener-local
or to build a debug image containing command line tools like ls, tcpdump and other net-tools use
make vpn-client-to-gardener-local DEBUG=true
Note: Remember the image name reported at the end similar to
VPN client image: localhost:5001/europe-docker_pkg_dev_gardener-project_public_gardener_vpn-client:0.33.0-dev
VPN server image
make vpn-server-to-gardener-local
or to build a debug image containing command line tools like ls, tcpdump and other net-tools use
make vpn-server-to-gardener-local DEBUG=true
Note: Remember the image name reported at the end similar to
VPN server image: localhost:5001/europe-docker_pkg_dev_gardener-project_public_gardener_vpn-server:0.33.0-dev
adjust the image vector file
in Gardener to image repositories and tags provided by the last step... - name: vpn-server sourceRepository: repository: localhost:5001/europe-docker_pkg_dev_gardener-project_public_gardener_vpn-server tag: 0.33.0-dev ... - name: vpn-client sourceRepository: repository: localhost:5001/europe-docker_pkg_dev_gardener-project_public_gardener_vpn-client tag: 0.33.0-dev ...
and rerun
make gardener-up
if you rebuild these images you may to have to ensure that the new images are loaded are pulled by the deployments
for the vpn-seed-server deployment in the control plane, execute
kubectl -n shoot--local--local patch deploy vpn-seed-server --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"vpn-seed-server","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'
for the shoot client deployment in the shoot, execute
# first disable managed resource updates in the control plane kubectl -n shoot--local--local annotate managedresource shoot-core-vpn-shoot # then target the shoot cluster kubectl --kubeconfig admin-kubeconf.yaml -n kube-system patch deploy vpn-shoot --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"name":"vpn-shoot-init","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}],"containers":[{"name":"vpn-shoot","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'
for the HA deployments run
kubectl -n shoot--local--local patch deploy kube-apiserver --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"name":"vpn-client-init","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]},"containers":[{"name":"vpn-client-0","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}, {"name":"vpn-client-1","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}, {"name":"vpn-path-controller","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}' kubectl -n shoot--local--local patch sts vpn-seed-server --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"vpn-seed-server","imagePullPolicy":"Always"},{"name":"openvpn-exporter","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'
# first disable managed resource updates in the control plane kubectl -n shoot--local--local annotate managedresource shoot-core-vpn-shoot # then target the shoot cluster kubectl --kubeconfig admin-kubeconf.yaml -n kube-system patch sts vpn-shoot --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"name":"vpn-shoot-init","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'
In case the VPN inside the shoot is not able to connect, it's not possible to stream logs from the Kubernetes API. To get the logs, you can query the machine of the cluster directly for the logs. To do so, use the following command:
MACHINE_POD=$(kubectl get machines -n shoot--local--local -l name=shoot--local--local-local -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -n shoot--local--local pod/machine-$MACHINE_POD -ti -- bash -c 'tail -f /var/log/pods/kube-system_vpn-shoot-*/vpn-shoot-*/0.log'
failed to create bond0 link device: operation not supported
Check if your kernel supports bond devices. You can check on nodes running docker with the following command:
docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host ubuntu nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh -c 'cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip | grep CONFIG_BONDING'
must be set to either "m" or "y".
For more information, see