Hello there and thanks for taking the time to do our coding test. The test consists of a series of 3 challenges, every challenge will give you the key to unlock the next one.
- You need to write every exercise in the same directory and zip it to a file at
- Your code will be written in nodejs, you can install/use every module you need
- Do not include you node_modules in the zip
Create one file that takes the text below, decrypt it and output the result in the console.
oF rht eentxc ahllneeg ,ogt oww.wagaregcsro.eoc/merrciubttoa dnt la kiwhto rur boto
To decrypt the message, you need to switch every pair of characters Examples
- 21..43..65..87 => 12..34..56..78
- lfwore => flower
@ 2017 GarageScore, visit us at https://www.garagescore.com
Inspired from https://github.com/justeat/JustEat.RecruitmentTest and https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Skyscanner/full-stack-recruitment-test