Small and simple go application that reads an RSS feed and downloads all episodes starting from the latest one. Rather than many shell or python scripts, this application saves the episodes according to their episode title rather than their file name on the server.
Furthermore, it downloads the episodes in parallel with the aim of learning this programming language go.
- Starts 8 workers and downloads the files in parallel
- Progress bar for each worker
- Total progress bar
- Native binary
- Download project
- Download dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
- Build executable
go build feedload.go
go run feedload.go <RSS_URL>
(Without compiling and with golang installed)./feedload <RSS_URL>
(*Nix)feedload <RSS_URL>
Downloading all episodes from PODCAST_NAME
All 0/339 [-------------------] 0s 0 %
Episode 205: XXXX 1.8MiB/105.1MiB [->-----------------] 1m35s 2 %
Episode 208: XXXX 1.6MiB/106.2MiB [->-----------------] 5s 2 %
Episode 209: XXXX 1.6MiB/105.3MiB [->-----------------] 45s 2 %
Episode 203: XXXX 1.7MiB/109.2MiB [->-----------------] 6s 2 %
Episode 206: XXXX 1.7MiB/111.7MiB [->-----------------] 6s 2 %
Episode 210: XXXX 1.7MiB/124.3MiB [>------------------] 7s 1 %
Episode 204: XXXX 1.3MiB/108.5MiB [>------------------] 9s 1 %
Episode 207: XXXX 1.2MiB/110.0MiB [>------------------] 10s 1 % \