For the plugin to work, you must first install Prettier globally, and ensure it is in your
. You can install Prettier globally by runningnpm install --global prettier
in terminal.
First, add the following line to your Micro configuration file:
// ....,
"pluginrepos": [""]
Then run the following in terminal to install the plugin:
micro --plugin install prettier
The next time you edit and save a file using Micro, it will get automatically formatted using Prettier.
If Prettier detects a configuration file, the options set for the plugin will not apply. If there is no configuration present, then the options set for the plugin (or the default values) will be used.
You can set an option by running the following command (Press Ctrl+E
, then run
the following):
set prettier.<name> <value>
Where name
is an option from the table, and value
is one of the possible
values for that option. See the
official Prettier documentation for
an even more detail explanation of each option and its possible values.
Option | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
tabwidth |
Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. | 2 |
<number> |
usetabs |
Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces. | false |
true , false |
semi |
Print semicolons at the ends of statements. | true |
true , false |
singlequote |
Use single quotes instead of double quotes. | false |
true , false |
quoteProps |
Change when properties in objects are quoted. | as-needed |
as-needed , consistent , preserve |
jsxsinglequote |
Use single quotes instead of double quotes in JSX. | false |
true , false |
trailingcomma |
Print trailing commas wherever possible in multi-line comma-separated syntactic structures. | es5 |
none , es5 , always |
bracketspacing |
Print spaces between brackets in object literals. | true |
true , false |
bracketsameline |
Put the > of a multi-line HTML element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line. | false |
true , false |
arrowparens |
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter. | always |
always , avoid |
wrap |
Hard wrap lines at the column specified by the cols setting. |
preserve |
always , never , preserve |
cols |
Specify the line length that the printer will wrap on. | 80 |
<number> |
eol |
The line feed character to use in all files. | lf |
lf , crlf , cr , auto |
formatembeddedcode |
Whether or not to format quoted code embedded in the file. | auto |
auto , off |
indentvuecode |
Whether or not to indent the code inside <script> and <style> tags in Vue files. |
false |
true , false |
htmlwhitespacesensitivity |
Specify the global whitespace sensitivity for HTML, Vue, Angular, and Handlebars. | css |
css , strict , ignore |
requirepragma |
Whether to only format files that contain a special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. | false |
true , false |
insertpragma |
Whether to insert a special @format marker at the top of files specifying that the file has been formatted with Prettier. | false |
true , false |
You can also format the document without saving it by running the following
command (Press Ctrl+E
, then run the following):
You can switch off the format-on-save feature by running the following command
(Press Ctrl+E
, then run the following):
set prettier.autoformat off
Found a bug? Don't like something? Want to see something added/changed? Open an issue!
This plugin is licensed under the ISC license. See the license file for the complete license text.