This is a fork prividing Dragmap binary file and docker/singularity image.
Dragmap is the Dragen mapper/aligner Open Source Software.
You can download the binary file in release, it should work on any debian based distro. Otherwise a straightforward approach is to utilize the pre-built Docker/Singularity image I've created.
This image also incorporates some useful tools such as bcftools, samtools, tabix, sambamba, bedtools, mosdepth and bbmap for added convenience. To install the DragMap Docker/Singularity image, run the following commands:
# 1. Install with Singularity and test it
singularity pull docker://gambalab/dragmap
singularity exec --bind /usr/lib/locale/ \
/path/to/dragmap_latest.sif \
dragen-os --help
# 2. Install with Docker and test it
docker pull gambalab/dragmap
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
gambalab/dragmap dragen-os --help
Below is an example of how to use the image with Singularity. The Docker usage is similar, requiring only the appropriate mounting of input files using the -v argument.
# Let's define e DRAGMAP_exec variable to excec the several commands
DRAGMAP_exec="singularity exec --bind /usr/lib/locale/ path/to/dragmap_latest.sif"
# Build hash table of a reference fasta file
${DRAGMAP_exec} dragen-os \
--build-hash-table true \
--ht-reference reference.fasta \
--output-directory ${ref_genome_dragmap}
# Align paired-end reads
${DRAGMAP_exec} dragen-os \
--preserve-map-align-order true \
--num-threads ${cpus} \
--RGID "${ID}" \
--RGSM "${sample}" \
--ref-dir ${ref_genome_dragmap} \
--fastq-file1 ${fastqR1} --fastq-file2 ${fastqR2} | \
${DRAGMAP_exec} samtools view --threads 2 -bh -o ${BAM_OUT}
In the docker/singularity image there is also a one click pipeline we built. It starts from fastQ files and can evantually trim it before to alignment. It also removes dup reads using samtools markdup.
# Let's define e DRAGMAP_exec variable to excec the several commands
DRAGMAP_exec="singularity exec --bind /usr/lib/locale/ path/to/dragmap_latest.sif"
# Let's see the help
${DRAGMAP_exec} -h
This pipeline employs DragMap for efficient read alignment, incorporating optional preprocessing and post-processing steps.
Key Steps:
1. Optional Trimming: If enabled, reads are initially trimmed using the BBduk tool to remove low-quality bases and adaptors.
2. Alignment: The trimmed or original reads are aligned to the reference genome using DragMap.
3. Duplicate Marking and Removal: Samtools markdup is utilized to identify and remove potential PCR duplicates from the aligned reads.
4. Output Organization: Results are organized into three distinct folders:
4.1 aln: Contains the final aligned BAM file.
4.2 fastq: Stores the trimmed FASTQ files if trimming was performed.
4.3 stat: Provides statistical information about trimming (if applicable) and alignment coverage.
This streamlined workflow ensures accurate and efficient read alignment, while the organized output facilitates downstream analysis.
Syntax: [h|s|1|2|o|r|c|t|b|d]
-h Print this Help.
-c Number of cpus to use. (Required)
-o Output directory. (Required)
-s Sample name. (Required)
-1 Path to the read1 FASTQ. (Required)
-2 Path to the read2 FASTQ. (Required)
-r Path to the Dragmap reference folder. (Required)
-t Trimming. Default false. (Optional)
-b BED file with regions will be used to compute coverage. Otherwise coverage stats are computed whole genome. (Optional)
-d Delete trimmed fastQ. Default false. (Optional)
So a typical case of use will be something like this:
${DRAGMAP_exec} \ \
-c 24 \
-o /path/to/output_folder \
-s ${SAMPLE} \
-1 /path/to/fastQ_R1 \
-2 /path/to/fastQ_R2 \
-r /path/to/dragmap_idx_folder \
-t "true"
At the end of alignmet output files are stored under /path/to/output_folder/${SAMPLE}
The basic procedure is
export HAS_GTEST=0
export STATIC=1
make -j 4
Binary will be generated in ./build/release/
Then optionally, to install to /usr/bin/
make install
Our singularity container happily makes use of many open source packages. We would like to specifically call out a few key ones:
We thank all of the developers and contributors to these packages for their work.