ofxAudioCapture audioCapture;
// list all audio devices
// get a ofSoundStream device (using MS DirectSound API)
ofSoundStream soundStream;
auto devices = soundStream.getDeviceList( ofSoundDevice::Api::MS_DS );
// setup to capture from ofSoundStream / mic input:
ofSoundStreamSettings soundSettings;
soundSettings.setInDevice( devices[0] ); // use specific audio device
soundSettings.sampleRate = 48000; // hz, also 44100 is common
soundSettings.numOutputChannels = 0; // no output, just input
soundSettings.numInputChannels = 1; // one channel input
soundSettings.bufferSize = 512; // ? seems to work
soundSettings.numBuffers = 4; // ^
int bitsPerSample = 16; // bits per sample of audio writer, also 24 is common
audioCapture.setupAudioInputRecorder( soundSettings, bitsPerSample );
// begin capturing
auto path = ofToDataPath( "audio_capture.wav", true ); // absolute path
audioCapture.beginRecording( path );
// ... mic input is automatically piped to the audio capture writer ...
// later - end capture
// now WAV is saved to `bin/data/audio_capture.wav`
ofxAudioCapture audioCapture;
int numInputChannels = 1; // number of channels
int sampleRate = 48000; // Hz sample rate (e.g. 44100)
int bitsPerSample = 16; // bits per sample of audio writer (e.g. 24)
audioCapture.setupManualRecorder( numInputChannels, sampleRate, bitsPerSample );
std::vector<float> buffer;
// begin capturing
auto path = ofToDataPath( "audio_capture.wav", true ); // absolute path
audioCapture.beginRecording( path );
// fill buffer...
// add audio frames...
audioCapture.audioIn( buffer.data(), buffer.size() );
// later - end capture
// now WAV is saved to `bin/data/audio_capture.wav`