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Releases: galister/WiVRn

WiVRn-FBT 2024.09.04

03 Sep 23:21
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All changes in here have been merged upstream. Please use upstream WiVRn instead.

WiVRn-FT, but with a B!

This is a fork of WiVRn that adds SteamVR-LH support.

This mean that you can now use Vive/Tundra Trackers and Index controllers with WiVRn! 🎉

You will need:

  • SteamVR installed (but thankfully won't need so start it!)
  • Monado TrackingOrigin Calibrator: MoToC on GitHub

Download and install the APK from this release (or build your own from face-tracking).

In Envision, edit your WiVRn profile as such:

  • Set XR Service Repo to
  • Set XR Service Branch to 2024.09.04

Next, click Clean Build Profile under the hamburger menu, and then Start.

Starting up:

  • Turn on all lighthouse devices that you want to use.
    • With this enabled, WiVRn will search for LH devices the first time you connect, so connecting will take several seconds longer.
    • Make sure that all LH devices are line-of-sight to at least 1 base station each, at the time of connection!
  • Verify with motoc show that your devices were discovered successfully, then see motoc calibrate --help on how to calibrate.


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WiVRn-FBT 2024.09.02

02 Sep 09:23
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WiVRn-FT, but with a B!

This is a fork of WiVRn that adds SteamVR-LH support.

This mean that you can now use Vive/Tundra Trackers and Index controllers with WiVRn! 🎉

You will need:

  • SteamVR installed (but thankfully won't need so start it!)
  • Monado TrackingOrigin Calibrator: MoToC on GitHub

Download and install the APK from this release (or build your own from face-tracking).

In Envision, edit your WiVRn profile as such:

  • Set XR Service Repo to
  • Set XR Service Branch to 2024.09.02

Next, click Clean Build Profile under the hamburger menu, and then Start.

Starting up:

  • Turn on all lighthouse devices that you want to use.
    • With this enabled, WiVRn will search for LH devices the first time you connect, so connecting will take several seconds longer.
    • Make sure that all LH devices are line-of-sight to at least 1 base station each, at the time of connection!
  • Verify with motoc show that your devices were discovered successfully, then see motoc calibrate --help on how to calibrate.


Join the Linux VR Adventures community!

WiVRn-FBT 2024.08.31

30 Aug 20:38
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WiVRn-FT, but with a B!

This is a fork of WiVRn that adds SteamVR-LH support.

This mean that you can now use Vive/Tundra Trackers and Index controllers with WiVRn! 🎉

You will need:

  • SteamVR installed (but thankfully won't need so start it!)
  • Monado TrackingOrigin Calibrator: MoToC on GitHub

Download and install the APK from this release (or build your own from face-tracking).

In Envision, edit your WiVRn profile as such:

  • Set XR Service Repo to
  • Set XR Service Branch to 2024.08.31

Next, click Clean Build Profile under the hamburger menu, and then Start.

Starting up:

  • Turn on all lighthouse devices that you want to use.
  • Launch WiVRn with WIVRN_USE_STEAMVR_LH=1
    • With this enabled, WiVRn will search for LH devices the first time you connect, so connecting will take several seconds longer.
    • Make sure that all LH devices are line-of-sight to at least 1 base station each, at the time of connection!
  • Verify with motoc show that your devices were discovered successfully, then see motoc calibrate --help on how to calibrate.


Join the Linux VR Adventures community!

WiVRn-FT 2024.07.04

03 Aug 17:54
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You no longer need this, all of this is now merged upstream! 🎉

This is a fork of WiVRn that adds the following features:

  • Face tracking (Quest Pro)
  • Eye tracking (Any eye-capable HMD)
  • Foveated encoding driven by eye tracking (Any eye-capable HMD)

How to use

Download and install the APK from this release (or build your own from face-tracking).

Make sure you have the latest Envision from CodeBerg! (The GitLab one is not maintained due to loss of access.)

In Envision, edit your WiVRn profile as such:

  • Set XR Service Repo to
  • Set XR Service Branch to 2024.07.04

Recommended values to Configure:

  • Scale: 0.35
  • Bitrate: 60-80
  • Encoders:
    • AMD/Intel: Use Preset3x VAAPI
    • Nvidia: Default

Next, click Clean Build Profile under the hamburger menu, and then Start.

For eye/face tracking in VRChat or Resonite, use OscAvMgr v0.3.3 or later.


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