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Simple Mario Bros.-like platformer to play with Pixi


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Adventure Time Bros.

Developed with Gulp, PixiJS, Sass, Pug, Babel, ES2015, webpack

Simple platformer developed as a present. Based on PixiJS + MethMethMethod playlist on youtube

  • Best practice for HTML5, CSS and JavaScript organization
  • Code validation (HTML, JS, CSS)
  • HTML Templating
  • CSS Preprocessing

Quick start


  • Node version >= 4
  • NPM or Yarn
  • Sass gem install sass
# clone the repo
git clone

# change directory to the repo
cd gulp-webpack-es2015-stack

# install the repo with npm or yarn
npm install
yarn install

# start the server

go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Table of Contents

File structure

 ├──config/                          * configuration files and Gulp taks
 │   ├──gulp/                        * Gulp tasks descriptions
 │   ├──.htmlhintrc                  * htmlhint configuration file
 │   ├──.eslintrc.json               * eslint configuration file
 │   ├──.sass-lint.yml               * sasslint configuration file (Yaml format)
 │   ├──config.json                  * variables used got Gulp tasks
 │   └──webpack.conf.js              * Webpack configuration file
 ├──src/                             * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
 │   ├──index.pug                    * our index.html
 │   │
 │   ├──html/                        * where you keep your pug templates
 │   │   └──layout.pug               * the main pug layout
 │   │
 │   ├──app/                         * JavaScript/ES2015 files
 │   │
 │   ├──static/                      * files that will be copied to the root of the compiled site (robots.txt, favicon, ...)
 │   │
 │   └──assets/                      * static assets are served here
 │       ├──img/                     * images
 │       └──scss/                    * Sass files
 │           ├──app.scss             * Main Sass files
 │           └──common/              * Sass common files
 │               ├──_bootstrap.scss  * Bootstrap Sass module import file
 │               ├──_mixins.scss     * for you own Sass mixins here
 │               └──_variables.scss  * for your sass variables
 ├──test/                            * Testing directory
 │    └──spec/                       * Jasmine test definitions
 ├──gulpfile.js                      * gulp main configuration file
 └──package.json                     * what npm/yarn uses to manage it's dependencies

Getting Started


You need to install the following on you system

  • node and npm (brew install node) or yarn (brew install yarn)
  • Ensure you running Node version >= 4.0.0
  • ruby (brew install ruby)

Then install tools you'll need to run the app

  • sass (gem install sass)
  • gulp (npm install gulp -g)


  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • npm install to install all dependencies
  • gulp to start the dev server

Running the app

After all dependencies are installed, just run gulp to start a local server using browser-sync which will watch your files and build them. browser-sync will display the address and port of your server (by default,

Gulp commands


# build files then launch the server and watch files
# compiled version
gulp run:dist

Build files

# build files in ./build/ (Webpack, Sass, Jade) and validate them
gulp build
# "compile" files in ./compile/
# minify and concatenate every css and js including
# Optimize images compression
# Site ready for production
gulp compile

Validate files

# runs the validations htmlhint, eslint, csslint, sasslint, TsLint
gulp validate

Package site

# compile files then get the last git tag and create a zip named after it
gulp delivery

Deploy site

# compile the site then send it to a given server path over scp
gulp deploy


Most of the configuration files are in ./config

  • config.json: contains the paths to the various kind of files used by Gulp
  • .eslintrc.json: eslint config file
  • .sass-lint.yml: sasslint config file
  • webpack.conf.json: Webpack config file




Simple Mario Bros.-like platformer to play with Pixi








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