GoingViral is a pipeline for the analysis of SISPA generated viral metagonomics reads. It's a configurable pipeline that performs multiple functions to generate clean viral metagenomics reads that can be used for downstream analysis. It requires minimal dependencies as the pipeline relies on a docker container to host the software.
- Linux or MacOS
- Docker
- Install the Docker CE engine
- Change to directory of fastq_pass files from ONT sequencer:
- Pull the most up to date docker container:
docker pull gkmoreno/goingviral:v1
- Launch the docker container
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/scratch -w /scratch gkmoreno/goingviral:v1 /bin/bash
The entire GoingViral workflow is uploaded as a series of snakemake and bash scripts that can be run one by one or can by run sequentially using the workflow.sh
script as a driver script. All of these bash and snakemake scripts except for the workflow.sh
will be provided in the docker container.
A brief description of the GoingViral Docker Container contents:
- will combine all ONT fastq_pass files into one merged folder and then will partition it out into 36 sub-folders to demultiplex simultaenously.02.demultiplex.snakefile
- Runsqcat
on the 36 sub-folders. Discards reads <300bp in length. Trims out ONT adaptors and barcodes.03.merge-demultiplex.sh
- Merges the demultiplexed reads into a single fastq.gz for each barcode usingpigz
- Discards reads ≤Q7 and trims out SISPA primer sequence usingreformat.sh
- Usesminimap
to bioinformatically deplete of host and reagent contaminants.06.map-reference-genome.snakefile
- Maps cleaned reads to a reference file usingminimap
and will call variants ≥10% frequency usingcallvariants.sh
- Converts the mapped bam file to fastq usingreformat.sh
- Maps cleaned reads to a reference file composed of only the coded gene regions usingminimap
- Call variants in the coded gene regions usingcallvariants.sh
- Performssendsketch.sh
on the entire dataset - outputs the top 1000 hits in your sample.09.minhash.sequences.snakefile
- Performssendsketch.sh
and classifies reads on a per sequence basis
GoingViral uses a bash script (workflow.sh) to provide parameters to the pipeline. To run the pipeline simply upodate the workflow.sh script to use the configurations that you want. Areas to configure:
#! /bin/bash
# run through complete workflow using a combination of shell scripts and snakemake files
## Parameters ##
## partition sequences ##
## demultiplex sequences ##
snakemake \
--snakefile /02.demultiplex.snakefile \
--config \
partitioned_fastq_folder=partitioned_fastq \
## merge demultiplexed sequences into one FASTQ per barcode ##
bash /03.merge-demultiplex.sh \
## Trim out barcode sequences and get rid of LQ reads
snakemake --snakefile /04.subsample_QC.snakefile --config merged_demultiplexed=merged_demultiplexed --cores 12
## remove host and reagent reads ##
# this step is run separately on each barcode because the host databases may be different when multiple samples from multiple species are run in a single ONT run
preprocess () {
snakemake \
--snakefile /05.remove-host-reagent.snakefile \
--config \
ont_fastq_gz=$1 \
reagent_db=/22592-reagent-db.fasta.gz \
host_rna_db=$2 \
preprocess subsample/barcode##.fastq.gz PATH_TO_HOST_RNA_FILE PATH_TO_HOST_RDNA_FILE;
preprocess subsample/barcode##.fastq.gz PATH_TO_HOST_RNA_FILE PATH_TO_HOST_RDNA_FILE;
preprocess subsample/barcode##.fastq.gz PATH_TO_HOST_RNA_FILE PATH_TO_HOST_RDNA_FILE;
preprocess subsample/barcode##.fastq.gz PATH_TO_HOST_RNA_FILE PATH_TO_HOST_RDNA_FILE;
## Map cleaned reads to reference genome
## This step is run separately on each barcode because the reference genome may be different between samples
preprocess () {
snakemake \
--snakefile /06.map-reference-genome.snakefile \
--config \
ont_fastq_gz=$1 \
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_FULL_GENOME_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_FULL_GENOME_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_FULL_GENOME_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_FULL_GENOME_FASTA
## Converts mapped bam files to fastq files of only mapped reads
snakemake --snakefile /06.bam_to_fastq.snakefile --config mapped=mapped mapping_genome=PATH_TO_REFERENCE_FULL_GENOME_FASTA --cores 12
## Map cleaned reads to reference genome broken up into per genes
preprocess () {
snakemake \
--snakefile /07.map-by-gene.snakefile \
--config \
ont_fastq_gz=$1 \
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess cleaned/barcode##.clean.fastq.gz PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
## Calls variants by gene using a fastq that is separated by the gene name
preprocess () {
snakemake \
--snakefile /08.call-variants-by-gene.snakefile \
--config \
bygenebam=$1 \
preprocess mapped_bygene/barcode##.primary.bam PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess mapped_bygene/barcode##.primary.bam PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess mapped_bygene/barcode##.primary.bam PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
preprocess mapped_bygene/barcode##.primary.bam PATH_TO_REFERENCE_GENOME_BY_GENE_FASTA
## make minnashes from cleaned reads vs. nt database ##
snakemake --snakefile /07.minhash.dataset.snakefile --config cleaned=cleaned --cores 12
snakemake --snakefile /07.minhash.sequences.snakefile --config cleaned=cleaned --cores 12
## cleanup
# rm -rf demultiplexed merged_demultiplexed merged_fastq partitioned_fastq tmp
Once your workflow.sh has been configured and docker container has been launched - you can start the workflow by simply running:
bash worklfow.sh
in the terminal window.