An awesome list with beautiful apps using ncurses or similar interface. Many apps filtered from the original Awesome shell list with newly added apps.
- nethack - Nethack – Dungeon Crawler
- tetris - Tetris
- bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
- freesweep - freesweep is a console minesweeper-style game written in C for *nix
- minesweeper - Bash implementation of minesweeper
- nudoku - ncurses based sudoku game written in C
- piu-piu - Horizontal scroller game in bash with multiplayer mode!
- sedtris - Tetris in sed
- sed-scripts - Arkanoid and Sokoban written using sed
- SHTAP - Reusable text adventure engine for Bash 4
- tty-solitaire - Play solitaire in your terminal!
- alpine - Alpine is a free software email client developed at the University of Washington
- mutt - Mutt E-mail client
- photorec - PhotoRec, Digital Picture and File Recovery
- iptraf - IP Networking Monitoring Software
- iftop - iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface
- vnstat - vnStat – Network traffic monitor
- ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage
- mc - Midnight Commander
- lsof - Lsof is a Unix-specific diagnostic tool
- vfm - Vifm is a file manager with curses interface
- ncmpcpp - ncmpcpp – featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc
- alsamixer - Alsa Mixer - The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system
- alsaequal - Alsaequal is a real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA
- taskwarrior - A command-line TODO list manager
- multitail - Multitail is an Ncurses program that displays multiple logfiles in real time using the tail function for each.
- vim - Vim is a console based text editor
- youtube-curses - a simple youtube browser / streamlink frontend made with python and ncurses inspired by twitch-curses.
- ansiweather - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols. Not exactly ncurses, but it gives you a similar interface.