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Releases: gabrielgaraujo/libft


23 Jan 11:23
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Release Notes: Version 1.0.0

Libft provides a wide range of essential programming utilities grouped into the following domains:

String Manipulation

  • ft_strlen: Returns the length of a string.
  • ft_strlcpy: Copies a string with size limits.
  • ft_strlcat: Concatenates strings with size limits.
  • ft_strdup: Duplicates a string.
  • ft_substr: Extracts a substring.
  • ft_strjoin: Joins two strings.
  • ft_strtrim: Trims specific characters from the start and end of a string.
  • ft_split: Splits a string into an array based on a delimiter.
  • ft_strchr, ft_strrchr: Locate the first or last occurrence of a character in a string.
  • ft_strncmp: Compares strings up to n characters.
  • ft_strnstr: Locates a substring within a string.

Character Checks

  • ft_isalpha: Checks if a character is alphabetic.
  • ft_isdigit: Checks if a character is a digit.
  • ft_isalnum: Checks if a character is alphanumeric.
  • ft_isascii: Checks if a character belongs to the ASCII set.
  • ft_isprint: Checks if a character is printable.

Memory Manipulation and Allocation

  • ft_memset: Fills a memory block with a constant byte.
  • ft_bzero: Zeros out a memory block.
  • ft_memcpy: Copies memory blocks.
  • ft_memmove: Safely moves overlapping memory blocks.
  • ft_memchr: Searches for a byte in memory.
  • ft_memcmp: Compares two memory blocks.
  • ft_calloc: Allocates and zeros memory.

Data Conversion

  • ft_atoi: Converts a string to an integer.
  • ft_itoa: Converts an integer to a string.

Character Conversion

  • ft_toupper: Converts a character to uppercase.
  • ft_tolower: Converts a character to lowercase.

File Descriptor-Based Output

  • ft_putchar_fd: Outputs a character to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putstr_fd: Outputs a string to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putendl_fd: Outputs a string with a newline to a file descriptor.
  • ft_putnbr_fd: Outputs an integer to a file descriptor.