Requirements to run the applicaiton:
- Docker and Docker Compose
Run this command from the directory in which you want to install the application. First, clone the repository:
git clone
Then, get inside the application folder and then inside docker folder, there you must run docker-compose up, please be aware that this project uses port 80:
cd RandomBeerApp/docker && docker-compose up
Wait for composer to install the dependencies and once the containers are running, you can to run the command below in separate terminal to populate the database:
docker exec -it randombeerapp_php_1 php bin/cli.php deploy:sample-data
(If the command above fails make sure that you run it with the php container name)
Now you can access the application in your browser:
- http://localhost/app for the Vue.js app
- http://localhost/reactapp for the React app
If you prefer you can also use the postman collection to try and test the endpoints in isolation from the frontend.
- Improve logs functionality, that would help us to fix issues if needed.
- Improve exception handling, create specific exceptions for specific issues.
- Improve abstraction between mongodb and repositories, current repositories are highly dependent in mongo class.
- Create more unit tests to increase coverage.
- Insert more controllers to handle other API operations, like update (PUT) and delete (DELETE).
- Improve frontend piece of the application, creating some validations and handling erros.