A library to deal with quantities, that have units. Quantities reduce themselves to the lowest SI prefix, see Units.RealWorld to configure prefixes that aren't normally used.
from quantity.quantity import Quantity
import quantity.unit.units as units
length = Quantity(5, units.metre)
width = Quantity(4, units.metre)
area = length * width
'20.0 m²'
area / length
'4.0 m'
unit.units defines SI units, which are looked up by symbol.
from quantity.quantity import Quantity
q = Quantity(1.0, "MV")
'1.0 MV'
q = Quantity(1000000, 'V')
'1.0 MV'
Many simple conversions are also provided
from quantity.quantity import Quantity
volts = Quantity(10, 'V')
amps = Quantity(100, 'A')
volts * amps
'1.0 kW'
volts / amps
'100.0 mΩ'
You can define your own units. We can get frames per second by defining frames.
from quantity.unit import Unit
from quantity.quantity import Quantity
frame = Unit('f', "frame")
frames = Quantity(432000, "frame")
running_time = Quantity(120 * 60, 's')
fps = frames / running_time
'60.0 f/s'