Move deliberately and methodically through the stories provided below.
Stay calm and code on!
Pokemón Node is an app where a user can manage trainers and their corresponding Pokemón to battle in a gym. Users should be able to CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE Pokemón, as well as assign Pokemón to the gym (details below).
Your app should look at least as good as the wireframes, preferably better.
If you want to use session variables instead of cookies, that is fine.
Your app should use pg
and knex
, and your schema should be built
using migrations
Your app should be deployed to Heroku.
Fork and clone this repo
cd into repo
npm install
- You'll need to create a database called
- Write a migration for the pokemon database that creates two tables:
- pokemon
- trainers.
- id (auto increment)
- name (string)
- id (auto increment)
- name (string)
- trainer_id (integer)
- cp (integer) => cp stands for combat power
- in_gym (boolean)
After you run your migrations, seed the database by running:
knex seed:run
- Inspect your database tables to make sure that you now have trainers and pokemon
- Follow the stories below.
You should git add, commit, push, and deploy to Heroku after each story is completed
As a user
When I go to the root route '/'
Then I am redirected to `/pokemon`
As a user
When I visit /pokemon
Then I see a button to 'Add a New Pokemon'
When I click the 'Add a New Pokemon' button
Then I see a form to add a new Pokemon
When I submit the form to add a new Pokemon
Then I am redirected to the Pokemon home page
And I see my new Pokemon listed
When I visit '/pokemon'
Then I see a list of all Pokemón and their properties
And I see a link to DELETE
And I see a link to EDIT
When I visit the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
When I click on a Pokemón name
Then I am taken to a show page
And I see all the properties for that Pokemón
And I see the name of that Pokemón's trainer
wireframe not shown, implement your own ideas.
Trainers can acquire Pokemón that will belong exclusively to them. One trainer can have many Pokemón, but each Pokemón belongs to only one trainer.
When I visit the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
And I click the 'EDIT' link for a Pokemón
Then I am taken to a form
And the form is prefilled with information for that Pokemón
And I see the name of that Pokemón's trainer
And that name is in a drop down menu that also has the names of all the other trainers
When I submit an edit form for a Pokemón
Then I am redirected to the show page for that Pokemón
And I see all new details for my updated Pokemón
When I visit the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
And I click the 'DELETE' link for a Pokemón
Then I am redirected to the Pokemón home page
And that Pokemón is no longer listed
- You will be using cookies to keep track of which Pokemón are in the 'gym'.
- You will use cookies to set the values
to be theid
of the two respective Pokemón in the gym. - The gym should only hold two Pokemón.
- When you visit the Pokemón home page, if either the
cookies is not set, then you can click 'assign to gym' next to a Pokemón and they will be 'assigned to the gym' (i.e. their id will be assigned to eitherp1
) - and their 'in_gym' status in the database will be updated to
EXAMPLE: If you have a Raichu with an id of 22 in the database and you click 'assign to gym' then you would set a cookie p1 with a value of 22.
NOTE: Your database should always be updated to have the current in_gym
status of all Pokemón.
As a user
When I visit the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
And less than 2 Pokemón are 'in the gym'
Then I see a link 'assign to gym' next to every Pokemón that is not 'in the gym'
When I visit the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
And there are already 2 Pokemón 'in the gym'
Then I do not see 'assign to gym' links for any other Pokemón
When I go to the Pokemón home page
And I see all Pokemón
And a Pokemón is 'in the gym'
Then I see a link 'remove from gym' next to that Pokemón
And I do NOT see a link 'assign to gym' next to that Pokemón
As a user
When I visit /trainers
Then I see a list of all Trainers
When I click on the name of a Trainer
Then I am taken to a show page
And I see the name of that Trainer
And I see all of the Pokemon they are currently training
As a user
When I visit the gym home page
And there are no Pokemón assigned to the gym
Then I can select a Pokemón1 from a drop down menu that has all Pokemón names
And I can select a Pokemón2 from a drop down menu that has all Pokemón names
When I visit the gym home page
And there are no Pokemón assigned to the gym
And I select a Pokemón1 from a drop down menu that has all Pokemón names
And I select a Pokemón2 from a drop down menu that has all Pokemón names
When I click 'Add Pokemón to the Gym'
Then I am redirected to the gym home page
And I see my Pokemón 'in the gym'
When I visit the gym home page
And only one Pokemón is 'in the gym'
Then I see a Pokemón name in the Pokemón1 slot
And by the Pokemón2 slot I see a dropdown menu with all Pokemón names
When I visit the gym home page
And only one Pokemón is 'in the gym'
And I select a second Pokemón name from a dropdown menu
And I click the 'Add Pokemón to the Gym' button
Then I am redirected to the gym home page
And I see a Pokemón in the Pokemón1 slot
And I see my selected Pokemón in the Pokemón2 slot
When I visit the gym home page
And only one Pokemón is 'in the gym'
And I select a second Pokemón name from a dropdown menu
And that Pokemón is the SAME Pokemón already in a slot
Then the gym home page is rendered again
And I a see an error message
And that error message says
"A Pokemón cannot fight itself! Please choose a different Pokemón!"
And that message is the color red
When I visit the gym home page
And 2 Pokemón are 'in the gym'
Then I see a Pokemón name in the Pokemón1 slot
And I see a Pokemón name in the Pokemón2 slot
When I visit the gym home page
And two Pokemón are already in the gym
Then I see a 'battle' button
When I visit the gym home page
And only one Pokemón is in the gym
Then I do not see the 'battle' button
When I visit the gym home page
And two Pokemón are already in the gym
And I click the 'battle' button
Then the Pokemón with the higher Combat Power 'wins' the fight
And the winning Pokemón's name is displayed on the page next to the word 'WINNER!'
HINT: Would it be simpler if all the data you need is passed in to the view when the page loads (before the user clicks the button?)? HOWEVER, a Pokemón's Combat Power should NOT be stored in the cookie. You will need to get that info from the database.
When I visit the gym home page
And I click the 'reset' button (or link)
Then all the Pokemón are removed from the gym
As a user
When I make 2 Pokemón battle
Then the winner's CP is incremented by 20
Write a migration that adds an image field to the Pokemón table that takes an image url.
Display the image on both the gym and the Pokemón index page.
You can use these mockups/wireframes as a reference. Your design does not have to exactly match, but it should look as good or preferably BETTER than the mockups:
- Add your Heroku URL to the TOP of this readme
- Submit a pull request
- ( GO TO GITHUB BRANCH g29 to see the way we've been doing it )
Knex and Deployment
- Nmuta's YouTube channel cookies live coding videos ( 9 videos ) :
... etc... See COOKIES BIKE DEPOT series for all 9 videos