This website allows users to view profiles, make an account, login, edit their account, and delete their account. They can also mark other users as their crush or not interested, as well as block certain users from seeing their profile.
This website is part of a project created for the Hackathon at Cal Poly Humboldt on April 15-16, 2023. This Hackathon was a 24-hour event run by the Cal Poly Humboldt Computer Science Club. This project was not completed in time due to the time crunch.
- Gracie Ceja (me): The website & its SQL database.
- Professor Sharon Tuttle: html website template, hsu-conn-sess.php (for connecting to the database), and other php templates from CS 328 class.
- Color Palette selector.
- necolas: normalize.css file to make the website look the same on all browsers.
NOTE: This is NOT an official product/website/app of Cal Poly Humboldt, this a Hackathon project by a student. © 2023 Gracie Ceja