Semi-Supervised Learning forSpatially Regularized qMRI Reconstruction - Application to Simultaneous 𝑇_1, 𝐵_0, and 𝐵_1 Mapping
Source, Weights and Wasabi-MR Sequence (Pulseseq) for #1166, ISMRM 2023
Problem: Training a network to predict T1, B0 and B1 from WASABIT! magnitude images with only 10 slices of volunteer data
- Pretraining with Synthetic Data
- Finetuning with a combination of
- Supervised Training on Synthetic Data
- Teacher-Student Training with Seperate Augmentations and Random Recombinations of Parameter Maps
- Self-Supervised (Masked) Training on In-vivo Data Results: Noise-robust parameter map estimation with reduced cross-talk between parameter maps
- WASABI.seq: Pulsesq seq file
- PyPulsesq-Script for generating the sequence
- UNet-finetunded-724.model: Final UNet
- UNet-pretrained-652.model: UNet after pretraining
- MLP-684.model: MLP-Baseline trained on synthetic data, as proposed by #2714 ISMRM 2022
- Simple skript for pretraining
- ..and finetuning ;)
Unfortunalty, we cannot provide the in-vivo dataset used for fine-tuning.
-- This code will be cleaned up and seperated into the WASABI-specific part and a general example for the training regime for a future publication, 'till then, have fun and feel free to ask questions
(c) Felix Zimmermann, All code is open source licensed under BSD-3 license.