import ""
Package onion is a layer based, pluggable config manager for golang. API may break in this version. for stable version see ""
Shrek: For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think.
Donkey: Example?
Shrek: Example... uh... ogres are like onions!
[holds up an onion, which Donkey sniffs]
Donkey: They stink?
Shrek: Yes... No!
Donkey: Oh, they make you cry?
Shrek: No!
Donkey: Oh, you leave 'em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs...
Shrek: [peels an onion] NO! Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers... You get it? We both have layers.
[walks off]
Donkey: Oh, you both have LAYERS. Oh. You know, not everybody like onions. CAKE! Everybody loves cake! Cakes have layers!
Shrek: I don't care what everyone likes! Ogres are not like cakes.
Donkey: You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait."? Parfaits are delicious!
Shrek: NO! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye-bye! See ya later.
Donkey: Parfait's gotta be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet!
Each config object can has more than one config layer. currently there is 3 layer type is supported.
This layer is special layer to set default for configs. usage is simple :
l := onion.NewDefaultLayer()
l.SetDefault("", "bita")
This layer must be added before all other layer, and defaults must be added before adding it to onion
File layer is the basic one.
l := onion.NewFileLayer("/path/to/the/file.ext")
the onion package only support for json extension by itself, and there is toml and yaml loader available as sub package for this one.
Also writing a new loader is very easy, just implement the FileLoader interface and call the RegisterLoader function with your loader object
Folder layer is much like file layer but it get a folder and search for the first file with tha specific name and supported extension
l := onion.NewFolderLayer("/path/to/folder", "filename")
the file name part is WHITOUT extension. library check for supported loader extension in that folder and return the first one.
The other layer is env layer. this layer accept a whitelist of env variables and use them as value .
l := onion.NewEnvLayer("PORT", "STATIC_ROOT", "NEXT")
this layer currently dose not support nested variables.
Just implement the onion.Layer interface!
After adding layers to config, its easy to get the config values.
o := onion.New()
o.GetString("key", "default")
o.GetBool("anotherkey", true)
o.GetInt("worker.count", 10) // Nested value
library also support for mapping data to a structure. define your structure :
type MyStruct struct {
Key1 string
Key2 int
Key3 bool `onion:"boolkey"` // struct tag is supported to change the name
Other struct {
Nested string
o := onion.New()
// Add layers.....
c := MyStruct{}
o.GetStruct("prefix", &c)
the the c.Key1 is equal to o.GetStringDefault("prefix.key1", c.Key1) , note that the value before calling this function is used as default value, when the type is not matched or the value is not exists, the the default is returned For changing the key name, struct tag is supported. for example in the above example c.Key3 is equal to o.GetBoolDefault("prefix.boolkey", c.Key3)
Also nested struct (and embedded ones) are supported too.
const DefaultDelimiter = "."
DefaultDelimiter is the default delimiter for the config scope
func RegisterLoader(l FileLoader)
RegisterLoader must be called to register a type loader, this function is only available with file and folder loaders.
type DefaultLayer interface {
// SetDefault set a default value for a key
SetDefault(string, interface{}) error
// GetDelimiter is used to get current delimiter for this layer. since
// this layer needs to work with keys, the delimiter is needed
GetDelimiter() string
// SetDelimiter is used to set delimiter on this layer
SetDelimiter(d string)
DefaultLayer is a layer to handle default value for layer.
func NewDefaultLayer() DefaultLayer
NewDefaultLayer is used to return a default layer. should load this layer before any other layer, and before adding it, must add default value before adding this layer to onion.
type FileLoader interface {
// SupportedEXT Must return the list of supported ext for this loader interface
SupportedEXT() []string
// Convert is for translating the file data into config structure.
Convert(io.Reader) (map[string]interface{}, error)
FileLoader is an interface to handle load config from a file
type Layer interface {
// Load a layer into the Onion. the call is only done in the
// registration
Load() (map[string]interface{}, error)
Layer is an interface to handle the load phase.
func NewEnvLayer(whiteList ...string) Layer
NewEnvLayer create a environment loader. this loader accept a whitelist of allowed variables DEPRECATED : use the extraenv loader
func NewFileLayer(file string) Layer
NewFileLayer initialize a new file layer. its for a single file, and the file ext is the key for loader to load a correct loader. if you want to scan a directory, use the folder loader.
func NewFolderLayer(folder, configName string) Layer
NewFolderLayer return a new folder layer, this layer search in a folder for all supported file, and when it hit the first loadable file then simply return it the config name must not contain file extension
type LazyLayer interface {
// Get return the value for this config in this layer, if exists, if not return
// false as the 2nd return value
Get(...string) (interface{}, bool)
LazyLayer is the layer for lazy config sources, when the entire configs is not available at the registration
type Onion struct {
Onion is a layer base configuration system
func New() *Onion
New return a new Onion
func (o *Onion) AddLayer(l Layer) error
AddLayer add a new layer to the end of config layers. last layer is loaded after all other layer
func (o *Onion) AddLazyLayer(l LazyLayer)
AddLazyLayer add a new lazy layer to the end of config layers. last layer is loaded after all other layer
func (o *Onion) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)
Get try to get the key from config layers
func (o *Onion) GetBool(key string) bool
GetBool is used to get a boolean value fro config, with false as default
func (o *Onion) GetBoolDefault(key string, def bool) bool
GetBoolDefault return bool value from Onion. if the value is not exists or if tha value is not boolean, return the default
func (o *Onion) GetDelimiter() string
GetDelimiter return the delimiter for nested key
func (o *Onion) GetDuration(key string) time.Duration
GetDuration is for getting duration from config, it cast both int and string to duration
func (o *Onion) GetDurationDefault(key string, def time.Duration) time.Duration
GetDurationDefault is a function to get duration from config. it support both string duration (like 1h3m2s) and integer duration
func (o *Onion) GetFloat32(key string) float32
GetFloat32 return an float32 value, if the value is not there, then it returns zero value
func (o *Onion) GetFloat32Default(key string, def float32) float32
GetFloat32Default return an float32 value from Onion, if the value is not exists or its not a float32, default is returned
func (o *Onion) GetFloat64(key string) float64
GetFloat64 return the float64 value from config, if its not there, return zero
func (o *Onion) GetFloat64Default(key string, def float64) float64
GetFloat64Default return an float64 value from Onion, if the value is not exists or if the value is not float64 then return the default
func (o *Onion) GetInt(key string) int
GetInt return an int value, if the value is not there, then it return zero value
func (o *Onion) GetInt64(key string) int64
GetInt64 return the int64 value from config, if its not there, return zero
func (o *Onion) GetInt64Default(key string, def int64) int64
GetInt64Default return an int64 value from Onion, if the value is not exists or if the value is not int64 then return the default
func (o *Onion) GetIntDefault(key string, def int) int
GetIntDefault return an int value from Onion, if the value is not exists or its not an integer , default is returned
func (o *Onion) GetString(key string) string
GetString is for getting an string from conig. if the key is not
func (o *Onion) GetStringDefault(key string, def string) string
GetStringDefault get a string from Onion. if the value is not exists or if tha value is not string, return the default
func (o *Onion) GetStringSlice(key string) []string
GetStringSlice try to get a slice from the config
func (o *Onion) GetStruct(prefix string, s interface{})
GetStruct fill an structure base on the config nested set, this function use reflection, and its not good (in my opinion) for frequent call. but its best if you need the config to loaded in structure and use that structure after that.
func (o *Onion) Load()
Load function is the new behavior of onion after version 3. after calling this all variables registered with Registered* function are loaded.
func (o *Onion) RegisterBool(key string, def bool) Bool
RegisterBool return an bool variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterDuration(key string, def time.Duration) Int
RegisterDuration return an duration variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterFloat32(key string, def float32) Float
RegisterFloat32 return an float32 variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterFloat64(key string, def float64) Float
RegisterFloat64 return an float64 variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterInt(key string, def int) Int
RegisterInt return an int variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterInt64(key string, def int64) Int
RegisterInt64 return an int64 variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) RegisterString(key string, def string) String
RegisterString return an string variable and set the value when the config is loaded
func (o *Onion) Reset()
Reset clear all layers, but not registered variables
func (o *Onion) SetDelimiter(d string)
SetDelimiter set the current delimiter