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OCaml on nodejs

These are OCaml bindings to Nodejs. I'm currently rewriting everything from a previous iteration and so things might get outdated quickly.

Included are three levels of abstraction,

  1. Nodejs
  2. Nodejs_high_level
  3. Nodejs_high_level_lwt

they correspond to the findlib packages:


You will probably be using this library at the 2/3 level.

High level Nodejs API Examples

All can be compiled and run with these steps:

$ ocamlfind ocamlc -g -package nodejs.high_level_lwt -linkpkg
$ js_of_ocaml --debug-info --no-inline --pretty a.out -o T.js
$ node T.js

Using Lwt:

open Lwt.Infix

let () =
  (Nodejs_high_level_lwt.Fs.read_file (Nodejs_high_level.__filename ())
   >>= fun (err, result) -> result#to_string |> print_endline |> Lwt.return
   >|= fun () -> print_endline "Finished Program and Ordered Async")
  |> Lwt.ignore_result

Plain server:

open Nodejs_high_level

let () =
  let s =
    new Net.server (fun client ->
        client#write "Welcome to the Matrix";
        print_endline "Client connected")

  s#listen 8124 (fun () -> print_endline "Created a server")