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FutureX POAPs

Core functions

API not stable yet.

Creat Read Update Delete:

  • C: Add Event - creatEvent

  • C: Add Event Organizer - addEventMinter

  • C: Add admin - addAdmin

  • C: Mint token for an event - mintToken

  • C: Batch Mint - mintEventToManyUsers

  • R: view all poaps for one user - (balanceOf, then eventOfOwnerByIndex)

  • R: view all users for one event - (balanceOfEvent, then userOfEventByIndex)

  • R: view user role - isEventMinter, isEventCreator, isAdmin

  • R: view event infos - eventHasUser, eventMetaURI

  • U: Pause or un-pause contract - pause, unpause

  • U: Authorize or un-authorize contract - authorize, unauthorize

  • D: Burn Tokens - burn

  • : ERC721 interfaces - (base, URI, enumerable)

Checkout test/Poap.js for more details.

Deploy to local

  1. Install deps with npm install

  2. Enable your local blockchain with command npx hardhat node first, and let this session stay opened.

  3. Run command npx hardhat deploy-poap --network localhost to deploy the Poaps. It shall output the proxy contract address [ADDRESS].

  4. Interact with the contract using npx hardhat console --network localhost

    > const Poap = await ethers.getContractFactory("Poap")
    > const poap = await Poap.attach("[ADDRESS]")
    > await
  5. Stay the above console opened, you can update the contract functions under contracts/* and use npx hardhat upgrade-poap --network localhost [ADDRESS] to upgrade. You can then continue testing the functions with poap object in step.3

Deploy to BlockChains

Future-Poap supports Goerli testnet and Gnosis sidechain for now, check out more details in hardhat.config.js. To enable deployment, create a .env file under root dir:

For Gnosis, you should set up your private key and api token from gnosisscan:

Gnosis_API = "XXX"

For Goerli testnet, you should set up your private key and a provider's url(e.g. Alchemy):

Goerli_API_URL = ""

Then you can deploy and interact the contract following the commands in "Deploy to local" section, but only replace all the localhost term to your network(gnosis for Gnosis, goerli for Goerli testnet).

To add more chains, please refer to their documents about hardhat development.


npx hardhat compile # compile contracts to artifacts
npx hardhat test # test the contracts using test/*.js 
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test # estimate the contracts gas fee. Extremly SLOW

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network XXX


Thanks to the great open-sourced POAPs contract from !


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