This is a simple rehype plugin to transform images into figures while using the title (not the alt text) as a caption. It draws heavily on rehype-figure
npm install rehype-figure-title
This plugin will transform all your images into <figure>
tags. So...

<figure class="rehype-figure-title">
<img src="./img.jpg" alt="A figure" />
All well and good. But what if you want captions? It's poor practice to just use alt tags—those should be descriptions of the image for people who can't see it. But there's another standard way to associate text with an image in markdown: the title. Titles are relatively useless on images (they provide a browser-based tooltip that appears fitfully on hover, also gets read out by some screen readers, and is basically useful only for XKCD). So this hijacks the title field:

<figure class="rehype-figure-title">
<img src="./img.jpg" alt="A figure" />
<figcaption>The caption</figcaption>
That's pretty much it.
Insert it into your toolchain like any other rehype plugin:
import rehypeFigureTitle from 'rehype-figure-title';
function compile(markdownIn) {
return unified()
.use(rehypeFigureTitle, { className: /* optional class name for figures */ ""})