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FutoIn EventStream is fundamental part for efficient global state update in distributed systems. It is used for reliable event delivery, decentralized cache invalidation, efficient online segregation of active and warehouse data.

Unlike various message/event brokers, the focus of FutoIn Event Stream is integration with database transactions for reliable efficient event recording and delivery.

The design is not focused on high throughput as the primary reason is reliable association of events with database changes. Please consider using pure message brokers for throughput-intensive cases.

Documentation --> FutoIn Guide

Reference implementation of:

FTN18: FutoIn Interface - Event Stream
Version: 1.1


  • Database transaction-bound event generation.
  • Standalone event generation.
  • Event polling for simple, but less efficient solutions.
  • Event pushing for advanced efficient cases.

Supported database types

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Potentially, any other SQL-compliant supported by futoin-database

Installation for Node.js

Command line:

$ yarn add futoin-eventstream 


$ npm install futoin-eventstream --save


Each event has auto-generated ID, type, data and timestamp. Type is all upper case identifier. Data is arbitrary JSON-friendly data.

Two configurable delivery strategies are supported: polling and streaming, but consumer acts as client in both cases.

There are two delivery modes: reliable and live. The later allow messages to be skipped. To ensure that events are reliably delivered, each consumer must register first.

Two message storage types are assumed: active small high performance area and slower data warehouse for all time history. DBEventArchiver tool is provided for efficient reliable data transfer.

More detailed concept is in the FTN18 spec.


1. Adding standalone events

GenFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtgen', endpoint );
// ...
const evtgen = ccm.iface('evtgen');
evtgen.addEvent(as, 'NULL_EVENT');
evtgen.addEvent(as, 'INT_EVENT', 123);
evtgen.addEvent(as, 'STR_EVENT', 'Some Str');
evtgen.addEvent(as, 'ARRAY_EVENT', [1, 2, 3]);
evtgen.addEvent(as, 'OBJECT_EVENT', { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });

2. Adding events in database transaction

For more advanced cases, you can check source code of DBGenFace#addXferEvent() to build more tailored statements.

DBGenFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtgen', endpoint );
// ...
const evtgen = ccm.iface('evtgen');
const db = ccm.db();

const xfer = db.newXfer();
xfer.insert('SomeTable').set('name', 'Name');
evtgen.addXferEvent(xfer, 'NEW_ENTRY', {name: 'Name'});

3. Poll for events with different components & filters

Each consumer is identifier by credentials + arbitrary component name.

As special "LIVE" component can be used for unreliable delivery.

PollFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtpoll', endpoint );
// ...
const evtpoll = ccm.iface('evtpoll');

// User info polling
evtpoll.registerConsumer(as, 'Security');
evtpoll.pollEvents(as, 'Security', last_known_id_here, ['USR_ADD', 'USR_MOD', 'USR_LOGIN']);
as.add((as, events) => {
    // ....

// Anti-Fraud processing
evtpoll.registerConsumer(as, 'AntiFraud');
evtpoll.pollEvents(as, 'AntiFraud', last_known_id_here, ['DEPOSIT', 'WITHDRAW', 'XFER']);
as.add((as, events) => {
    // ....

4. Event push with different components & filters

A child class of ReliableReceiverService should be created to properly handle incoming events.

A bi-directional channel like WebSockets or Internal must be used.

A separate Executor instance should be created for use in endpoint callbacks.

class UserReceiver extends ReliableReceiverService
    _onEvents( as, reqinfo, events ) {
        // ...

const executor = Executor(ccm);
PollFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtpushsec', endpoint, credentials, { executor } );
UserReceiver.register(as, executor);

const evtpushsec = ccm.iface('evtpushsec');
evtpushsec.registerConsumer(as, 'Security');
evtpushsec.readyToReceive(as, 'Security', ['USR_ADD', 'USR_MOD', 'USR_LOGIN']);

5. Event history transfer

There should be a single system-wide instance of DBEventArchiver tool. The tool will automatically reconnect on errors. Processing state can be monitored through events.

DBAutoConfig(as, ccm, {
    evtdwh: {}
const archiver = new DBEventArchiver(ccm);

archiver.on('workerError', () => { ... });
archiver.on('receiverError', () => { ... });
archiver.on('newEvents', () => { ... });

// keep going until stopped
archiver.start(push_endpoint, credentials);

// to stop - automatically called on ccm.close()

6. Discarding event from active database

For performance and disaster recovery time reasons, operation critical database should be kept as small as possible. Events delivered to all consumers including DBEventArchiver can be removed the following way.

DBAutoConfig(as, ccm, {
    evt: {}
const discarder = new DBEventDiscarder(ccm);

archiver.on('workerError', () => { ... });
archiver.on('eventDiscard', () => { ... });

// keep going until stopped

// to stop - automatically called on ccm.close()

7. Complete example

DBPushService inherits DBPollService, so there is no need to instance both.

This case show internal communicaton channel.

const ccm = new AdvancedCCM();
DBAutoConfig(as, ccm, {
    evt: {}
const executor = new Executor(ccm); // or NodeExecutor() for WebSockets
DBGenService.register(as, executor);
DBPushService.register(as, executor);

GenFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtgen', executor);
PollFace.register(as, ccm, 'evtpoll', executor);

const p = as.parallel();

p.loop( (as) => {
    ccm.iface('evtgen').addEvent(as, 'EVT', 'data');

p.add( (as) => {
    let last_id = null;
    as.loop( (as) => {
        ccm.iface('evtpoll').pollEvents(as, 'LIVE', last_id);
        as.add((as, events) => {
            if (events.length) {
                last_id = events[events.length - 1].id;
            } else {
                const timer = setTimeout( () => as.success(), 1e3 );
                as.setCancel((as) => clearTimeout(timer));

API documentation

The concept is described in FutoIn specification: FTN18: FutoIn Interface - Event Stream v1.x



Database Event Archiver service.


DB-specific event discarding.

It's assumed to be run against "active" database part as defined in the concept to reduce its size after all reliably delivered events are delivered to consumers.

Event are deleted based on limit_at_once to avoid too large transactions which may affect performance of realtime processes and break some DB clusters like Galera.


GenFace for DB backend.

The only difference to original GenFace is native DB-specific API.


Database-specific event generation service


Database-based Poll Service


Database-specific Push Service


All-in-one DB EventStream initialization


Event Stream - Generator Face


Event Stream - Generator Service Base


Reliable Event Receiver helper to minimize boilerplate code in projects.


Event Stream - Poll Face


Event Stream - Poll Service Base


Event Stream - Push Face


Event Stream - Push Service Base


Event Stream - Receiver Face


Base implementation for receiver side


Reliable Event Receiver helper to minimize boilerplate code in projects.


Base implementation for reliable receiver side.


Database Event Archiver service.

Kind: global class
Note: No more than one instance should run at once.

new DBEventArchiver(db_ccm)


Param Type Description
db_ccm AdvancedCCM CCM instance with registered '#db.evtdwh' interface


DB-specific event discarding.

It's assumed to be run against "active" database part as defined in the concept to reduce its size after all reliably delivered events are delivered to consumers.

Event are deleted based on limit_at_once to avoid too large transactions which may affect performance of realtime processes and break some DB clusters like Galera.

Kind: global class

dbEventDiscarder.start(ccm, [options])

Start event discarding

Kind: instance method of DBEventDiscarder

Param Type Default Description
ccm AdvancedCCM CCM with registered #db.evt interface
[options] object {} options
[options.poll_period_ms] integer 600e3 poll interval
[options.limit_at_once] integer 1000 events to delete at once
[options.event_table] string "default" events table
[options.consumer_table] string "default" consumers table


Stop event discarding

Kind: instance method of DBEventDiscarder


Emitted on worker errors

Kind: event emitted by DBEventDiscarder


Emitted on discarded events

Kind: event emitted by DBEventDiscarder


GenFace for DB backend.

The only difference to original GenFace is native DB-specific API.

Kind: global class

dbGenFace.DB_EVENT_TABLE ⇒ string

Easy access to DB event table name

Kind: instance property of DBGenFace
Returns: string - raw table name

dbGenFace.addXferEvent(xb, type, data, [table])

Helper to add event generation into DB transaction

Kind: instance method of DBGenFace

Param Type Default Description
xb XferBuilder instance of transaction builder
type string event type
data * any data
[table] string "evt_queue" event queue


Database-specific event generation service

Kind: global class

new DBGenService(_as, executor, [options])

Please use DBGenService.regster()

Param Type Default Description
_as AsyncSteps async step interface
executor Executor related Executor
[options] object {} options
[options.event_table] string "default" events table


Database-based Poll Service

Kind: global class

new DBPollService(as, executor, [options])

Please use DBPollService,register()

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps async step interface
executor Executor related Executor
[options] object {} options
[options.event_table] string "default" events table
[options.consumer_table] string "default" consumers table


Database-specific Push Service

Kind: global class

new DBPushService(as, executor, [options])

Please use DBPushService,register()

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps async step interface
executor Executor related Executor
[options] object {} options
[options.event_table] string "default" events table
[options.consumer_table] string "default" consumers table
[options.sleep_min] integer 100 minimal sleep on lack of events
[options.sleep_max] integer 3000 maximal sleep on lack of events
[options.sleep_step] integer 100 sleep time increase on lack of events


All-in-one DB EventStream initialization

Kind: global class

new DBServiceApp(as, options)


Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps AsyncSteps interface
options object {} options
[options.ccm] AdvancedCCM external CCM instance
[options.executor] Executor external private executor instance
[options.ccmOptions] object auto-CCM options
[options.notExpectedHandler] callable 'notExpected' error handler
[options.executorOptions] object private auto-Executor options
[options.evtOptions] object eventstream options
[options.discarderOptions] object discarder options
[options.enableDiscarder] boolean enable discarder, if true
[options.archiverOptions] object discarder options
[options.enableArchiver] boolean enable archiver, if true

dbServiceApp.ccm() ⇒ AdvancedCCM

CCM instance accessor

Kind: instance method of DBServiceApp
Returns: AdvancedCCM - instance

dbServiceApp.executor() ⇒ Executor

Executor instance accessor

Kind: instance method of DBServiceApp
Returns: Executor - instance


Shutdown of app and related instances

Kind: instance method of DBServiceApp

Param Type Default Description
[done] callable done callback


Event Stream - Generator Face

Kind: global class


Latest supported FTN17 version

Kind: static property of GenFace


Latest supported FTN4 version

Kind: static property of GenFace

GenFace.register(as, ccm, name, endpoint, [credentials], [options])

CCM registration helper

Kind: static method of GenFace

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
ccm AdvancedCCM CCM instance
name string CCM registration name
endpoint * see AdvancedCCM#register
[credentials] * see AdvancedCCM#register
[options] object {} interface options
[options.version] string "1.0" interface version to use


Event Stream - Generator Service Base

Kind: global class

GenService.register(as, executor, options) ⇒ GenService

Register futoin.evt.gen interface with Executor

Kind: static method of GenService
Returns: GenService - instance

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
executor Executor executor instance
options object implementation defined options


Reliable Event Receiver helper to minimize boilerplate code in projects.

Kind: global class

new LiveReceiver(executor_ccm)

Initialize event archiver.

Param Type Description
executor_ccm AdvancedCCM CCM for executor

liveReceiver.start(endpoint, [credentials], [options])

Start receiving events for archiving

Kind: instance method of LiveReceiver
Note: options.executor is overridden

Param Type Default Description
endpoint * see PushFace
[credentials] * see PushFace
[options] * {} see PushFace
[options.component] string component name
[options.want] array "want" parameter for event filtering


Stop receiving events

Kind: instance method of LiveReceiver

liveReceiver._registerReceiver(as, executor, options) ⇒ ReceiverService

Override to register custom instance of ReceiverService.

Kind: instance method of LiveReceiver
Returns: ReceiverService - instance of service

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps async steps interface
executor Executor Internal Executor instance
options object passed options

liveReceiver._onEvents(as, events)

Override to catch new events here instead of using newEvents event handler.

Kind: instance method of LiveReceiver

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps async steps interface
events array array of events


Emitted on not expected receiver errors

Kind: event emitted by LiveReceiver


Emitted on worker errors

Kind: event emitted by LiveReceiver


Emitted on new events

Kind: event emitted by LiveReceiver


Emitted after event receiver is ready

Kind: event emitted by LiveReceiver


Event Stream - Poll Face

Kind: global class


Latest supported FTN17 version

Kind: static property of PollFace


Latest supported FTN4 version

Kind: static property of PollFace

PollFace.register(as, ccm, name, endpoint, [credentials], [options])

CCM registration helper

Kind: static method of PollFace

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
ccm AdvancedCCM CCM instance
name string CCM registration name
endpoint * see AdvancedCCM#register
[credentials] * see AdvancedCCM#register
[options] object {} interface options
[options.version] string "1.0" interface version to use


Event Stream - Poll Service Base

Kind: global class

PollService.register(as, executor, options) ⇒ PollService

Register futoin.evt.poll interface with Executor

Kind: static method of PollService
Returns: PollService - instance
Note: Chunk event count is lower then protocol permits by default as there is a typical amount 64K futoin message limit.

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
executor Executor executor instance
options object implementation defined options
[options.allow_reliable] boolean true allow reliable consumers
[options.allow_polling] boolean true allow polling calls
[options.max_chunk_events] integer 100 maxium events per request


Event Stream - Push Face

Kind: global class

PushFace.register(as, ccm, name, endpoint, [credentials], [options])

CCM registration helper

Kind: static method of PushFace

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
ccm AdvancedCCM CCM instance
name string CCM registration name
endpoint * see AdvancedCCM#register
[credentials] * see AdvancedCCM#register
[options] object {} interface options
[options.version] string "1.0" interface version to use


Event Stream - Push Service Base

Kind: global class


Emitted in push error handlers

Kind: event emitted by PushService


Emitted in push error handlers

Kind: event emitted by PushService

PushService.register(as, executor, options) ⇒ PushService

Register futoin.evt.push interface with Executor

Kind: static method of PushService
Returns: PushService - instance

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
executor Executor executor instance
options object implementation defined options
[options.allow_reliable] boolean true allow reliable consumers
[options.allow_polling] boolean true allow polling calls


Event Stream - Receiver Face

Kind: global class


Latest supported FTN17 version

Kind: static property of ReceiverFace

ReceiverFace.register(as, channel, [options]) ⇒ string

CCM registration helper

Kind: static method of ReceiverFace
Returns: string - - iface:ver of registered interface

Param Type Default Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
channel ChannelContext Bi-Direction channel instance
[options] object {} interface options
[options.version] string "1.0" interface version to use


Base implementation for receiver side

Kind: global class

receiverService._onEvents(as, reqinfo, events)

Member to override to handle vents.

Kind: instance method of ReceiverService

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps AsyncSteps interface
reqinfo RequestInfo request info object
events array list of events

ReceiverService.register(as, executor, options) ⇒ PushService

Register futoin.evt.receiver interface with Executor

Kind: static method of ReceiverService
Returns: PushService - instance

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps steps interface
executor Executor executor instance
options object implementation defined options


Reliable Event Receiver helper to minimize boilerplate code in projects.

Kind: global class

reliableReceiver._registerReceiver(as, executor, options) ⇒ ReliableReceiverService

Override to register custom instance of ReliableReceiverService.

Kind: instance method of ReliableReceiver
Returns: ReliableReceiverService - instance of service

Param Type Description
as AsyncSteps async steps interface
executor Executor Internal Executor instance
options object passed options


Emitted for count of archived events in each iteration.

Kind: event emitted by ReliableReceiver


Base implementation for reliable receiver side.

Kind: global class
Note: Unlike ReceiverService, it restores proper order of events.

documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.


Reliabe Event Stream with focus on Databases







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