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Installing MySQL

chrimuno edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 1 revision

These are basic installation steps for this project. If you want specific information about installing MySql, please see their installation documentation.

  • Run MySql Installer:
    • Use the default developer install and use the default values for the install.
    • When you get to setting up the root account, use root as the password and username.
  • Once you have finished the installation, open MySQL Workbench.
  • Open the default local instance of MySQL.
    • You may need to type in the root password when you first try to open the local instance.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + O to open a file in MySQL Workbench
  • Nagivate to the Resources directory and open the db setup script included in the project.

The script will do a few different things for you:

  • It will create a new schema called testsettings
  • Create all the necessary tables and columns for each table
  • And it will insert one default setting into the settings table for you
  • It will run also turn off a setting in MySQL that Entity Framework doesn't like if its on.

Note: If you ever need to update the Entity Framework model and Visual Studio gives you the following error: The value for column 'IsPrimaryKey' in table 'TableDetails' is DBNull, just do the following:

  • Clean your solution
  • Close Visual Studio
  • Open MySQL Workbench and run this:
    USE testsettings;
    SET global optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off';
    SET optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off';
  • Reopen Visual Studio and build your solution
  • Try to update the Entity Framework model again and it should work