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[Archive] Event Application
Ishan Khatri edited this page Aug 23, 2019
1 revision
- We have a SQL database consisting of the following columns
create_table "event_applications", force: :cascade do |t|
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "user_id"
t.string "status", default: "undecided"
t.boolean "flag", default: false
t.string "name"
t.string "phone"
t.string "age"
t.string "sex"
t.string "university"
t.string "major"
t.string "grad_year"
t.boolean "food_restrictions"
t.text "food_restrictions_info"
t.string "resume_file_name"
t.string "resume_content_type"
t.integer "resume_file_size"
t.datetime "resume_updated_at"
t.string "t_shirt_size"
t.string "linkedin_url"
t.string "github_url"
t.boolean "prev_attendance"
t.string "programming_skills", default: "{}"
t.string "hardware_skills", default: "{}"
t.text "referral_info"
t.text "future_hardware_suggestion"
t.boolean "waiver_liability_agreement"
t.string "education_lvl"
- All about Applications, Applicants.
- Create, delete, update applications/applicants
- localhost:3000/apply.html
- Name, Phone, Age, Sex
- University, major, graduation year
- Food restrictions
- Resume
- Linkedin, Github URLs
- Programming and Hardware skills
- Validates all the field inputs by the applicant
- Validates for Resume using active storage gem
- index.html.erb - Applications
- _form.html.erb - Sign Up Form - for new Applicants
- Has methods which create, show, update and destroy applications
- Different Nav button containers - Background color is global instead of a local one
- Other styling includes status margin, resume container, error text
- Reload function is to make all the hidden field persist through refresh and reloads.
- Number auto format - Formats the phone number to something like
- charCounter - Count number of characters in the text box
- unhide, hide - toggles the view to unhide and hide from the viewer by changing CSS display
- toggleHiddenField - toggles hideField and unhideField with respect to the checkbox being unchecked or checked
- Models/event_application
- Checks if there is an attached file
- Checks the content type is PDF and size is less than 2MB
- Uses Paperclip/active_storage to parse the Resume
- Checks if the resume has major, university, length>=400
- Renames the resume to {id}{first_name}{last_name}