It's a command line interface tool that produces MVVM and VIPER boilerplate modules and configurations.
You can check FKArchitectureGeneratorCLI out for details on Medium story.
It's super easy. Here these steps;
-Just download the fk executable file in the Product directory.
-Open terminal and navigate the current directory to the directory where you have just download the fk file.
-Then type chmod +x fk and press enter. Move it under to /usr/local/bin/ path.
Well it's ready to produce your MVVM and VIPER modules for your iOS apps.
There are two supported architectural pattern FKArchitectureGeneratorCLI has. These are MVVM and VIPER. You can just produce MVVM by typing below
fk mvvm GitHub
You can change the GitHub
keyword to change module name with whatever you want.
FKArchitectureGeneratorCLI add a mark as a default to each swift file indicating this module created with this cli. You can hide this mark by adding the flag -u/--unmarked
fk mvvm ModuleName -u
or fk mvvm ModuleName --unmarked
Furkan Kaplan
Twitter : @furkaplan
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