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Fulco edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 2 revisions


A comprehensive and optimized Bash script for performing forensic triage on Linux systems.

Table of Contents


In incident response and forensic investigations, timely and comprehensive data collection is crucial. This script automates the process of gathering essential forensic data from a Linux system, aiding investigators in analyzing system states, user activities, network configurations, and more.


  • Collects comprehensive system information.
  • Gathers user and group details, including sudoers configuration.
  • Retrieves running processes and top resource-consuming processes.
  • Captures detailed network configurations and active connections.
  • Collects file system details and recently modified files.
  • Copies critical log files for analysis.
  • Retrieves scheduled tasks from cron.
  • Captures system configurations, including services and kernel modules.
  • Collects logs from common applications like Apache, Nginx, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  • Gathers SSH configuration details.
  • Provides error handling and logs any issues encountered during execution.
  • Compresses the collected data into a zip archive for easy transfer.


  • Root Privileges: The script must be run as the root user to access all necessary files and commands.
  • Bash Shell: The script is written in Bash and requires a Bash-compatible shell.
  • Required Commands: Some sections of the script depend on specific commands. While the script checks for their existence, having them installed will provide more comprehensive data:
    • lshw
    • getent
    • ip
    • ifconfig
    • ss
    • netstat
    • ufw
    • service
    • systemctl
    • lsof
    • zip


  1. Clone or Download the Script:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Script Directory:

    cd linux-forensic-triage
  3. Make the Script Executable:

    chmod +x
  4. Run the Script as Root:

    sudo ./
  5. Monitor Execution:

    The script outputs progress to the console and logs all actions to a log file in the output directory.

  6. Retrieve Collected Data:

    Upon completion, the script saves all collected data in a timestamped directory under /tmp and creates a zip archive of this directory for easy transfer.

Script Overview

System Information Collection

  • Date and Time
  • Uptime
  • Hostname
  • Kernel Version
  • Detailed System Information: Uses lshw to list hardware components.

User Information Collection

  • Current Users: Users currently logged in.
  • Logged in Users: List of users and their login times.
  • Last Logins: Historical login data.
  • User List: Contents of /etc/passwd.
  • User Groups: Group information from getent group.
  • Sudoers Configuration: Contents of /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/*.

Process Information Collection

  • Running Processes: Detailed list from ps aux.
  • Top Processes: Snapshot from top command.

Network Information Collection

  • Network Interfaces: Details from ip addr show or ifconfig.
  • Active Connections: Socket statistics from ss or netstat.
  • ARP Cache: ARP table entries.
  • Routing Table: Network routing information.
  • Firewall Rules:
    • iptables: Current iptables rules.
    • ufw: Status of UFW firewall.

File System Information Collection

  • Mounted File Systems: Disk usage statistics.
  • Disk Usage: Space used by directories under /home.
  • Open Files: List of open files from lsof.
  • Recently Modified Files: Files modified within the last day in /etc, /var, and /home.

Log Files Collection

  • Copies critical system logs:
    • /var/log/syslog
    • /var/log/auth.log
    • /var/log/dmesg
    • /var/log/kern.log
    • /var/log/secure
    • /var/log/faillog

Scheduled Tasks Collection

  • Cron Jobs: Retrieves scheduled cron tasks for all users and lists cron directories.

System Configuration Collection

  • Network Configuration: Contents of /etc/network/interfaces.
  • Hosts File: Contents of /etc/hosts.
  • DNS Configuration: Contents of /etc/resolv.conf.
  • Services: Status of all services using service --status-all.
  • Loaded Kernel Modules: Output from lsmod.
  • Systemd Services: List of all systemd services.

Application-Specific Logs Collection

  • Apache Logs: Copies logs from /var/log/apache2.
  • Nginx Logs: Copies logs from /var/log/nginx.
  • MySQL Logs: Copies logs from /var/log/mysql.
  • PostgreSQL Logs: Copies logs from /var/log/postgresql.

SSH Configuration Collection

  • SSH Server Config: Contents of /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
  • SSH Client Config: Contents of /etc/ssh/ssh_config.
  • Root Authorized Keys: Contents of /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Changes and Optimizations

  • Root User Check: Ensures the script is run with the necessary permissions.
  • Structured Code with Functions: Each major collection task is encapsulated in a function.
  • Error Handling:
    • Introduced a centralized log_error function.
    • Checks for the existence of commands and files before usage.
    • Collects errors in an array and logs them at the end.
  • Command Availability Checks: Verifies that necessary commands are available and logs missing ones.
  • Directory and File Existence Checks: Prevents errors by checking for the existence of files and directories.
  • Optimized File Searches: Limited the scope of the find command to specific directories.
  • Improved Logging:
    • Uses tee for real-time logging to both the console and the log file.
    • Redirects unnecessary error messages to keep logs clean.
  • Efficient Data Collection:
    • Collects only essential data to minimize performance impact.
    • Uses head with top to limit output.

Error Handling

  • Error Logging: All errors encountered during execution are recorded in an errors.log file within the output directory.
  • Graceful Degradation: The script continues execution even if certain commands or files are unavailable, ensuring maximum data collection possible.


  • Output Directory: All collected data is stored in a timestamped directory under /tmp.
  • Log File: A comprehensive log of all actions and outputs is saved as forensics.log in the output directory.
  • Compressed Archive: The output directory is compressed into a zip file for easy transfer:
    • Example: /tmp/


  • Optional Deletion: The script includes commented code to delete the output directory after zipping. Uncomment the rm -rf "$OUTPUT_DIR" line if you wish to enable this behavior.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click on the 'Fork' button to create a personal copy.

  2. Clone the Fork:

    git clone
  3. Create a New Branch:

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Changes: Implement your enhancements or fixes.

  5. Commit Changes:

    git commit -am 'Add new feature'
  6. Push to the Branch:

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  7. Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request to merge your changes into the main repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Disclaimer: Use this script responsibly and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Unauthorized access or data collection may be illegal and unethical.