- 需要的前置知识包括一台可运行的服务器,linux命令基本操作,和简单的python知识。
- 感谢tgrcode提供的数据库和api,这个程序主要是统计每天的马造胜利数和总游玩数,并进行自动记录。
- 我是放在树莓派上用crontab命令每天5点和6点自动运行everyday.py文件,并自动记录每天的log,计算上一天的胜利数,游玩总数,胜率,分数变动和时间等参数,crontab的命令如下,请修改文件地址。 需要对生成的每一个文件赋予权限,chmod 777
sudo apt-get install vim
su root
chomod 777 everyday.py
crontab -e
0 5,6 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/everyday.py >> /home/pi/cron_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).log 2>&1
service cron restart
- Count the number of wins and totals per day, run and record them daily.
- Add your own player ID to the user_ids array.
- I am putting it on the Raspberry Pi with the crontab command to run the everyday.py file automatically every day at 8:00. The crontab command is as follows, please change the file address. vim installing, and the task will be done in in 5:00,6:00.
sudo apt-get install vim
su root
chomod 777 everyday.py
crontab -e
0 5,6 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/everyday.py >> /home/pi/cron_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).log 2>&1
service cron restart
The first run will record the current information, each run will record win rate data from the previous day to the current point in time.