The WCS information in the cubes and deepframe is wrong (compare with MUSE nebulae catalogue regions). The WCS information in the fits cubes is correct.
This folder contains preliminary [OII] linemaps from CHFT/SITELLE observations. The fitting of the emission lines was performed with the ORCS package by Thomas Martin. The [OII]3727 and [OII3729] lines are fitted simultaneously with a fixed ratio of [OII]$\frac{3729}{3727}=1.4$.
The data in the subfolders are the raw output from ORCS. The name_[OII]_maps.fits
files are reprojected to the header of the MUSE data and combine the maps for the [OII]3727 and [OII]3729 lines.
Each region from Francesco's nebulae catalogue is individually fitted. The result is saved to name_nebulae_OII.fits
. The spectra of each region (together with the fit) can be found in name_spectra_OII.fits
- NGC 2835: fit required binning of 10x10 pixels
- NGC 4535: very poor signal. No successful fit.
not yet observed:
- NGC 1087
- NGC 1300
- NGC 4254
- NGC 4303
- NGC 4321
-- Fabian Scheuermann, 2020.05.26
❗ numpy does not support float128 under windows. It is therefore difficult to use orb under windows ❗
conda install conda-build
from file
conda env create -f environment.yml
or create an environment and install needed modules manually
conda create -n orb3 python=3.7
conda activate orb3
conda install -n orb3 numpy scipy bottleneck matplotlib astropy cython h5py dill pandas pytables
conda install -n orb3 -c conda-forge pyregion
conda install -n orb3 -c astropy photutils astroquery
conda activate orb3
now your prompt should be something like (orb3) $
fro windows this requires
pip install gvar==9.2 --no-deps
pip install lsqfit==11.2 --no-deps
pip install fpdf --no-deps
clone ORB in local folder
git clone
in the downloaded folder
python build_ext --inplace
python install # not for developer
clone ORCS in local folder and there
python install
conda install -n orb3 -c conda-forge jupyterlab
Run it
conda activate orb3 # you don't need to do it if you are already in the orb3 environment
jupyter lab