This a project to do static weaving and dynamic weaving.
- Generate proxy class type
- Replace type to proxy type for di
- Do aop in proxy class
Static weaving generate code base on roslyn
There is two way that we will try to support :
experimental feature
- use source-generators to generator proxy class code
(ps: because source-generators not allow loading referenced assemblies now, so can't share package to other now. I will try to find way to fix this.)
- use Reflection to generator proxy class code
- use roslyn sdk to convert code to type
Not use this in production.
Roslyn is so great, but if we just use it once before di, it seem wasting a lot of memory and cpu.
Actually we can do jit after generate dll to generate proxy dll, make the jit to aot after build.
But now there is source-generators.
- Emit to generate proxy type
(ps: this will begin after static weaving done)
write InterceptorGenerator base on
using Norns.Destiny.Structure;
using Norns.Destiny.AOP;
using Norns.Destiny.AOP.Notations;
using Norns.Destiny.Notations;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Norns.Benchmark
public class ConsoleCallMethodGenerator : AbstractInterceptorGenerator
public override IEnumerable<INotation> BeforeMethod(ProxyGeneratorContext context, IMethodSymbolInfo method)
typeof(System.Console).Name.ToString(); // just make sure load System.Console dll before jit generate code
if (!method.Parameters.IsEmpty)
yield return $"System.Console.WriteLine($\"Call Method {method.Name} at {{System.DateTime.Now.ToString(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff\")}} {method.Parameters.First().Type.FullName} {method.Parameters.First().Name} = {{{method.Parameters.First().Name}}}".ToNotation();
foreach (var item in method.Parameters.Skip(1))
yield return $", {item.FullName} {item.Name} = {{{item.Name}}}".ToNotation();
yield return "\");".ToNotation();
public override IEnumerable<INotation> AfterMethod(ProxyGeneratorContext context, IMethodSymbolInfo method)
if (method.HasReturnValue)
yield return $"System.Console.WriteLine($\"return {{{context.GetReturnValueParameterName()}}} at {{System.DateTime.Now.ToString(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff\")}}\");".ToNotation();
- write interface
using System;
namespace Norns.Benchmark
public interface IC
int AddOne(int v);
public int AddOne2(int v)
return v + 1;
- write class
public class C : IC
public int AddOne(int v)
return v;
- set to DI
if use core, just use UseVerthandiAop
like :
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.UseVerthandiAop(new IInterceptorGenerator[] { new ConsoleCallMethodGenerator() })
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
if not, you can try this :
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var p = new ServiceCollection()
.AddTransient<IC, C>()
.BuildVerthandiAopServiceProvider(new IInterceptorGenerator[] { new ConsoleCallMethodGenerator() })
var result = p.AddOne(99);
Console.WriteLine($"p.AddOne(99) 's result is {result}.");
result = p.AddOne2(1);
Console.WriteLine($"p.AddOne2(1) 's result is {result}.");
result :
Call Method AddOne at 2020-07-05 15:42:21.999 int v = 99
return 99 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.002
p.AddOne(99) 's result is 99.
Call Method AddOne2 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.003 int v = 1
return 2 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.003
p.AddOne2(1) 's result is 2.
There is Noting until source-generators can do this.
Because source-generators not allow loading referenced assemblies now, so can't share package to other, and i don't want to write the demo.
waiting to start