This repository holds code and data for the paper k-means on Positive Definite Matrices, and an Application to Clustering in Radar Image Sequences by Daniel Fryer, Hien Nguyen and Pascal Castellazzi.
The script R/SAR_application.R calls functions that save their intermediary results in Rds format. These functions check for previously saved results before executing. So, most computationally intensive tasks need not be repeated more than once -- making for easier / quicker interactive exploratory analysis!
After cloning this repo, and before running any scripts, download the files from the Zenodo archive and place them in SAR_app_data/MG without changing their file names. Download links:
R/SAR_application.R is the script that produces all results in the paper.
SAR_app_data/MG contains pre-processed SAR data.
results contains figures and other results produced in the code.
📦 provides tools for working with radar images in SAR_matrix
📦 for data manipulation and publication graphics.
📦 for working with raster images.
📦 for interactive 3D scatter plots!
The authors must be acknowledged in any publications or applications that make use of the data in this repository.