##Your Name
##Your Email This is where we'll send your Slack invite, occasional updates about the Team.
##How did you hear about the Frontend Developers community?
##Tell us a little about yourself? E.g. How long have you been a developer? Where are you from? What languages, frameworks, or libraries do you work with?
You'll need to carefully answer these easy questions below. Both these, and your details above, will determine whether we give you access. You can be wrong, but we recommend doing your best. (We can tell when you guess)
##The head tag should occurs before the body tag?
##Are you excited about the release of Netscape Navigator 5.2?
##CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets?
##Are you a recruiter? We allow recruiter's access. We only ask that you're honest and follow the rules.
Great! We send welcome emails once a week (typically on Monday). If you answered honestly, you will be receiving yours. If you have questions, email zach@uxiliary.com or tweet zachshallbetter.
Until then, please help support our community by sharing this site using the hashtag #frontenddevelopers. You can also support our free community by visiting https://goo.gl/Q4ctQ8.
See you soon!