Control your Cisco VPN client remotely
Assuming that you have the Cisco VPN client already installed in your VPN gateway server, this tool provides you a web interface allowing you to control your client remotely.
Basically with this tool you'll be able to: start and stop the Cisco client and see the VPN connection status.
This utility is written using Bottle, a Python web framework.
First of all, install the required dependencies.
Using the Ubuntu/Debian package manager:
apt-get install python-bottle
Or using the alternative python package installer
pip install bottle
Then clone this repo in the /opt
folder and fill up the server.conf
file to fit your needs.
cd /opt
git clone git@github.com:frommelmak/vpncwebctl.git
cd vpncwebctl
python server.py
Finally you can install supervisor in order to manage the server process.