This SDK allows builders to build & run Web3 Functions as well as provides a hardhat plugin for ease integration in Hardhat developer environments:
- Install project dependencies
yarn install
- If you want to use a private RPC provider,
- Copy
to init your own.env
- Copy
cp .env.example .env
- Complete your
file with your private settings
- Create a new file in
- Register your web3Function main function using
- Example:
import { Web3Function, Web3FunctionContext } from "../lib";
import { Contract } from "@ethersproject/contracts";
import ky from "ky"; // we recommend using ky as axios doesn't support fetch by default
const ORACLE_ABI = [
"function lastUpdated() external view returns(uint256)",
"function updatePrice(uint256)",
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { userArgs, gelatoArgs, provider } = context;
// Retrieve Last oracle update time
const oracleAddress = "0x6a3c82330164822A8a39C7C0224D20DB35DD030a";
const oracle = new Contract(oracleAddress, ORACLE_ABI, provider);
const lastUpdated = parseInt(await oracle.lastUpdated());
console.log(`Last oracle update: ${lastUpdated}`);
// Check if it's ready for a new update
const nextUpdateTime = lastUpdated + 300; // 5 min
const timestamp = (await provider.getBlock("latest")).timestamp;
console.log(`Next oracle update: ${nextUpdateTime}`);
if (timestamp < nextUpdateTime) {
return { canExec: false, message: `Time not elapsed` };
// Get current price on coingecko
const currency = "ethereum";
const priceData: any = await ky
{ timeout: 5_000, retry: 0 }
price = Math.floor(priceData[currency].usd);
console.log(`Updating price: ${price}`);
// Return execution call data
return {
canExec: true,
callData: oracle.interface.encodeFunctionData("updatePrice", [price]),
- If your function will use Event trigger, you can get event logs from context by changing context type to
import { Web3Function, Web3FunctionEventContext } from "../lib";
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionEventContext) => {
const { log } = context;
// Retrieve event block number
const blockNumber = log.blockNumber;
- create your web3Function
to specify your runtime configuration:
"web3FunctionVersion": "2.0.0",
"runtime": "js-1.0",
"memory": 128,
"timeout": 30,
"userArgs": {}
yarn test FILENAME
command to test your web3Function -
Show internal Web3Function logs--runtime=thread|docker
if you don't havedocker
set up locally (default:thread
Show Runtime debug messages--chain-id=[number]
Specify the chainId to be used for your Web3Function (default:5
yarn test src/web3-functions/index.ts --logs --runtime=thread
Web3Function Build result: ✓ File: ./.tmp/index.js ✓ File size: 1.70mb ✓ Build time: 109.93ms Web3Function running logs: > ChainId: 5 > Last oracle update: 1665512172 > Next oracle update: 1665512472 > Updating price: 1586 Web3Function Result: ✓ Return value: { canExec: true, callData: '0x8d6cc56d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000632' } Web3Function Runtime stats: ✓ Duration: 0.91s ✓ Memory: 57.77mb
Use yarn deploy FILENAME
command to upload your web3Function.
> yarn deploy ./src/web3-functions/index.ts
- Declare your expected
in you schema, accepted types are 'string', 'string[]', 'number', 'number[]', 'boolean', 'boolean[]':
"web3FunctionVersion": "2.0.0",
"runtime": "js-1.0",
"memory": 128,
"timeout": 30,
"userArgs": {
"currency": "string",
"oracle": "string"
- Access your
from the Web3Function context:
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { userArgs, gelatoArgs, secrets } = context;
// User args:
console.log("Currency:", userArgs.currency);
- Add
in your web3 function folder:
"oracle": "0x6a3c82330164822A8a39C7C0224D20DB35DD030a",
"currency": "ethereum"
Use secrets to store any private credentials that should not be published on IPFS with your web3 function.
- Create a
file in your web3 function folder, containing your key / value secrets:
- Access your
from the Web3Function context:
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { secrets } = context;
// Get api key from secrets
const apiKey = await context.secrets.get("API_KEY");
if (!apiKey) return { canExec: false, message: `API_KEY not set in secrets` };
- When creating a task on Gelato UI, you will be asked to enter secrets. They will be store securely in Gelato Network.
Web3Functions are stateless scripts, that will run in a new & empty memory context on every execution.
If you need to manage some state variable, we provide a simple key/value store that you can access from your web3Function context
See the above example to read & update values from your storage:
import {
} from "@gelatonetwork/web3-functions-sdk";
Web3Function.onRun(async (context: Web3FunctionContext) => {
const { storage, provider } = context;
// Use storage to retrieve previous state (stored values are always string)
const lastBlockStr = (await storage.get("lastBlockNumber")) ?? "0";
const lastBlock = parseInt(lastBlockStr);
console.log(`Last block: ${lastBlock}`);
const newBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
console.log(`New block: ${newBlock}`);
if (newBlock > lastBlock) {
// Update storage to persist your current state (values must be cast to string)
await storage.set("lastBlockNumber", newBlock.toString());
return {
canExec: false,
message: `Updated block number: ${newBlock.toString()}`,
Test storage execution:
yarn test src/web3-functions/storage/index.ts --logs
You will see your updated key/values:
Simulated Web3Function Storage update:
✓ lastBlockNumber: '8321923'
To run your web3 function using mock storage values, add a storage.json
in your web3 function folder:
"lastBlockNumber": "8200000"
To run your web3 function, that will be triggered by Events, with mock event logs, add a log.json
in your web3 function folder
"blockNumber": 10000,
"blockHash": "0x...",
"transactionIndex": 60,
"removed": false,
"address": "0x...",
"data": "0x0...",
"topics": [
"transactionHash": "0x...",
"logIndex": 0
The Web3 Function Hardhat Plugin provides built-in hardhat tasks that will speed your development as well as provide a great DevX for end to end testing.
In order to user the Hardhat Plugin you will need to:
Import Web3 functions Hardhat plugin into hardhat.config.ts
import "@gelatonetwork/web3-functions-sdk/hardhat-plugin";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
w3f: {
rootDir: "./web3-functions", //where your Web3 Function is located
debug: false,
networks: ["mumbai", "goerli", "baseGoerli"], //(multiChainProvider) injects provider for these networks
Use the following command to run your web3 function locally:
npx hardhat w3f-run W3F_NAME
Show internal Web3Function logs
npx hardhat w3f-run oracle --logs
Use the following command to deploy your web3 function to IPFS:
npx hardhat w3f-deploy W3F_NAME
- Example:
npx hardhat w3f-deploy oracle
The Web3 Function hardhat plugin exposes the w3f
object that can be imported directly from hardhat.
This object will help you to instantiate your Web3 Function and run it.
const { w3f } = hre;
oracleW3f = w3f.get("W3F_NAME");
userArgs = {
currency: "ETH",
oracleAddress: oracle.address,
let { result } = await{ userArgs });
if (result.canExec) {
const calldata = result.callData[0];
await owner.sendTransaction({ to:, data: });