This is a Flysystem adapter for the qcloud-cos-sdk-php v3.
腾讯云COS对象存储 V3
if you are a new registered user(after October 2016), v4 should be used.
if you have used COS before October 2016, v3 can continue to use.
composer require freyo/flysystem-qcloud-cos-v3
use Freyo\Flysystem\QcloudCOSv3\Adapter;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
'protocol' => 'http',
'domain' => 'your-domain',
'app_id' => 'your-app-id',
'secret_id' => 'your-secret-id',
'secret_key' => 'your-secret-key',
'timeout' => 60,
'bucket' => 'your-bucket-name',
'debug' => false,
$adapter = new Adapter($config);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
bool $flysystem->write('', 'contents');
bool $flysystem->writeStream('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));
bool $flysystem->update('', 'new contents');
bool $flysystem->updateStram('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));
bool $flysystem->rename('', '');
bool $flysystem->copy('', '');
bool $flysystem->delete('');
bool $flysystem->has('');
string|false $flysystem->read('');
array $flysystem->listContents();
array $flysystem->getMetadata('');
int $flysystem->getSize('');
string $flysystem->getUrl('');
string $flysystem->getMimetype('');
int $flysystem->getTimestamp('');
string $flysystem->getVisibility('');
bool $flysystem->setVisibility('', 'public'); //or 'private'
- Register
- Configure
'cosv3' => [
'driver' => 'cosv3',
'protocol' => env('COSV3_PROTOCOL', 'http'),
'domain' => env('COSV3_DOMAIN'),
'app_id' => env('COSV3_APP_ID'),
'secret_id' => env('COSV3_SECRET_ID'),
'secret_key' => env('COSV3_SECRET_KEY'),
'timeout' => env('COSV3_TIMEOUT', 60),
'bucket' => env('COSV3_BUCKET'),
'debug' => env('COSV3_DEBUG', false),
$disk = Storage::disk('cosv3');
// create a file
$disk->put('avatars/1', $fileContents);
// check if a file exists
$exists = $disk->has('file.jpg');
// get timestamp
$time = $disk->lastModified('file1.jpg');
// copy a file
$disk->copy('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
// move a file
$disk->move('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
// get file contents
$contents = $disk->read('folder/my_file.txt');
// get url
$url = $disk->url('new/file1.jpg');
// create a file from remote(plugin support)
$disk->putRemoteFile('avatars/1', '');
$disk->putRemoteFileAs('avatars/1', '', 'file1.jpg');