This project uses code from:
In addition it uses docker-compose for a more streamlined experience
Get the Linux x86-64 zip of Oracle Database 21c from Oracle Database Software Downloads
Place the file in the 21.0.3 folder
Build the docker image using
./ -v 21.3.0 -t docker_oracledb_21 -s -i
Start the container. When it's run the first time wait for the database to be configured
docker-compose up
Connect using the static IP on port 1521 with the SID ORCLCDB username SYSTEM and password fmilove
Spun up the container using
docker-compose up
Use this command
docker exec docker_oracledb_21 ./ <your password>
Enter the container using
docker exec -it docker_oracledb_21 /bin/bash
Connect using sqlplus
sqlplus / as sysdba