This is a personal testing playground of raw SQL queries and ORM queries for PostgreSQL written in Python, leveraging the Pytest framework. This allows for quick iteration and debugging when trying new stuff out.
Run everything within containers:
docker compose build
docker compose up postgres --detach
docker compose run --rm pytest
docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
Run db in container and pytest locally:
poetry install
docker compose up postgres --detach
poetry run pytest
docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
To inspect the database while writing/running tests, set a breakpoint before the test completes and the db is reset. See either of the fixtures in tests/fixtures/orm/.
Then connect to localhost
on port 5400
It's nice to have some sort of formatter/linter. For now,
I'm using SQLTools
in vscode when saving .sql
files and occasionally
run SQLFluff.
pipx install sqlfluff
sqlfluff lint --dialect postgres tests/**/*.sql
sqlfluff fix --dialect postgres tests/**/*.sql