ℹ️ (MàJ le 22/10/23) Le dépôt a été archivé et le site web n'est plus disponible. Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre de la SAÉ du quatième semestre de l'année scolaire 2022/2023 par des étudiants de l'IUT de Dijon.
Groupe C1 / FraudeStudio : Alexandre ANSTETT, Louis DEVIE, Marc GRANDVINCENT, Matéo FAVARD, Lucas PIRES
Voir INSTALL.md pour l'installation
- Organize tasks by immediate, this week, this month, this year and lifetime tasks
- Add and filter by contexts and projects (for GTD fans)
- Print lists on 3 x 5 index cards
- Automatically list all items for today
- Current and overdue items are highlighted automatically
- Available languages: English, Russian, German, Spanish (partial)
- Free and open-source
- MariaDB (MySQL) Database
- PHP => 7.0
- Create database, user and rights. Use your own secure credentials!
CREATE USER 'taskstep'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'taskstep';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON taskstep.* TO 'taskstep'@'localhost';
- Put code into desired location e.g.
- Go to installation URL:
- Remove subdir
for security reasons - Log in and change your password
TaskStep was originally designed by Rob Lowcock in 2006, significantly refactored by Ethan Romba in 2008, and given much-needed updates by Thomas Hooge in 2020.