Snakemake pipeline to generate PAQR-compliant transcript annotations using GENCODE gene annotations of choice & PolyASite database (1.0/2.0 release) poly(A) sites
See linked issue on PAQR Github for discussion on generating the new annotations
Per recommendations in following issue, and details specified in the original PAQR/KAPAC paper, PAQR input annotation files must meet the following criteria:
- transcripts belong to 'protein_coding' or 'lncRNA' genes
- The terminal exon coordinates of a transcript of a given gene must not overlap with the coordinates of another gene (on the same strand)
- Non-overlapping terminal exons must contain at least two overlapping poly(A) sites defined by the PolyASite database
This workflow satisfies these criteria by performing the following steps:
- Filter for transcripts that have a gene_type tag of 'protein_coding' or 'lncRNA'
- 'strand-aware' overlap of terminal exon coordinates with all coordinates of all gene Features in input GTF. Terminal exons that overlap with coordinates of a different gene on the same strand are excluded from further analysis.
- Valid terminal exons overlap with coordinates of at least two poly(A) site clusters in PolyASite BED file
I have also included additional, customisable filters for the 'transcript support level' (TSL) of annotations. See Ensembl website for descriptions of different TSL flags. These filters include:
- Filter out transcripts with an 'NA' TSL flag
- Minimum TSL threshold
- Select the 'best supported isoforms' for each gene (see config.yaml file for a more verbose explanation)
Under the examples directory, I have provided 'transcript' and 'cluster' annotation files generated using the GENCODE mouse vM25 GTF file ('reference chromosomes only' GTF file i.e. first row in table of link) & mouse PolyASite 2.0 release BED file. I have successfully ran both steps of PAQR (GitHub as of May 2020) with these annotation files. I've provided files with no TSL filtering and a minimum TSL:1, but you are able to generate files with other thresholds using this workflow if you are not happy with these.
This workflow is 'backwards compatible' with the PolyASite v1.0 release (wanted to sanity check my approach). Running my workflow with mouse PolyASite V1.0 & GENCODE vM14 annotations reveals a good overlap with genes present in provided files.
(of the 288 genes in provided annotations but not my workflow - 267 do not have a 'protein_coding' or 'lncRNA' gene_type tag. All 267 would otherwise pass the workflow.)
The new annotations (vM25 & PolyASite v2.0) have ~2000 more genes with multiple poly(A) sites vs provided annotations. Full plot of the effects of applying different TSL filters on the total number of genes in plot below
(Note: I have not applied any TSL filtering on the provided annotations. Points at each cut-off included for visualisation purposes only
NA = no filtering applied)
This pipeline makes use of the following packages & version numbers:
- Python 3.6
- pyranges 0.0.77
- ucsc-genepredtobed 377 (Bioconda recipe version - originates from UCSC Tools)
- ucsc-gtftogenepred 377 (Bioconda recipe version - originates from UCSC Tools)
- Snakemake 5.17.0
Simplest way to solve dependencies for these packages is to use Conda. If you do not have a conda installation on your machine, see the Anaconda website for installation instructions.
Note: if you have Snakemake available in your path, it is not essential to install the Conda environment first (pass --use-conda
flag to Snakemake when calling the pipeline). If you are happy to not install first, you can skip to the Configuring & Running step.
Once you have a Conda installation, you can set up a functional conda environment using the provided paqr_annotations_env.yaml environment file. Type the following command into your Terminal:
conda env create -f paqr_annotations_env.yaml
You'll likely receive some prompts from conda - work through these until the installation is complete. You should then double check the installation has worked correctly.
- An environment named 'paqr_annotations' appears in list of environments
conda env list
- You can activate the environment with the following command:
conda activate paqr_annotations
As input to the workflow, you will need to download a GENCODE GTF file for your species of choice, as well as the BED file of poly(A) sites from the PolyASite database. You then need to edit the config.yaml file provided with this repository to point to your downloaded files, and to modify other parameters as you wish (more details in config.yaml file - if unclear feel free to open up an issue!).
Once you are happy with your configurations, I recommend performing a dry run to double-check filepaths, valid options etc. To do this type the following command into your Terminal:
snakemake -n -p -s get_paqr_annotations.Snakefile
If everything looks in order, you can then run the workflow with the following command (make sure paqr_annotations conda environment is active!):
snakemake --cores 2 -s get_paqr_annotations.Snakefile
Snakemake requires you to set a max number of cores (--cores <max_number>). You can put what you like here, but note I haven't made the pyranges commands multithreaded yet (on the to-do list) so it won't really make a difference.
If you already had Snakemake available in your path (and did not install the conda environment yourself previously), Snakemake can do it for you if you pass the --use-conda flag:
snakemake --use-conda --cores 2 -s get_paqr_annotations.Snakefile
The workflow is functional (and its output runs cleanly through PAQR (KAPAC not tested yet...)) but is still a work in progress (tidying up, multithreading support...). Any feedback on code, functionality, clarity of instructions & bug fixes would be much appreciated!
Many thanks to Ralf Schmidt for his helpful clarifications and advice.
- How to handle transcripts with exactly the same terminal exon (carry all in annotations file (as doing now) or pick one - how to decide?)
- Multithreading (work out how to do some of my pandas functions without converting to DFs and back)
- pip install -U ray (add to env.yaml - package for Multithreading support)
- replace sys.argv with argparse (lazy...)
- Add specific details on how new release compares to old polyAsite release, how well my annotations overlap with provided annotations, drop off with TSL filters etc.
- Add log files to catch prints from rules (only get_clusters_BED rule to-do now)(add more verbose explanations about steps selected, how many genes/transcripts lost to filters etc.)
- Submission scripts for SGE cluster