version 1.0.2
A simple library for evaluating strings representing dice rolls in rust. Dicer uses an LL(1) grammar and a recursive descent parser to parse strings and simulate randomly rolled dice. See for examples of valid strings.
use dicer::eval;
fn main() {
// simple expression
let test = String::from("1d20 + 4 + min([2d4-MAX], 3) {3}");
println!("parse: \"{}\"\n", test);
let result = eval(&test).unwrap();
for res in result {
println!("{} = {}", res.str, res.value);
parse: "1d20 * (3+2) + min([2d4 - MAX], 3)"
(6) * (3 + 2) + min([ (3 + 1) -3 ], 3) = 31