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Frank configs should not produce warnings #405

Frank configs should not produce warnings

Frank configs should not produce warnings #405

name: Frank configs should not produce warnings
- master
fail-fast: false
- name: ladybugInstance-v520
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/ladybugInstance/v520
expectedFrankConfigs: ladybug
- name: Frank2Hermes-v560
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Hermes/v560
expectedFrankConfigs: hermesBridge
- name: NewHorizons-v510
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/NewHorizons/v510
expectedFrankConfigs: NewHorizons
iafUtilAllowed: true
- name: exercise-v500
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/exercise/v500
expectedFrankConfigs: Conclusion
- name: forFrankConsole-v510
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/forFrankConsole/v510
expectedFrankConfigs: NewHorizons
- name: advancedDevelopmentCredentials
frankConfig: frank-manual/src/advancedDevelopmentCredentials
expectedFrankConfigs: credentials
- name: advancedDevelopmentProperties
frankConfig: frank-manual/src/advancedDevelopmentProperties
expectedFrankConfigs: properties
- name: Frank2Monitoring-v510
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Monitoring/v510
expectedFrankConfigs: MonitorContainer,OnMonitorTriggered
- name: Frank2DockerDevel-v530
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2DockerDevel/v530
expectedFrankConfigs: my-config
iafUtilAllowed: true
withDocker: true
- name: Frank2Authentication-v515 client
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Authentication/v515
expectedFrankConfigs: Client
iafUtilAllowed: true
withDocker: true
- name: Frank2Authentication-v515 server
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Authentication/v515
expectedFrankConfigs: Server
iafUtilAllowed: true
withDocker: true
port: 8091
- name: Frank2Transactions with queue
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Transactions/v515
iafUtilAllowed: true
withDocker: true
waitTime: 600
- name: Frank2Transactions with table ibisstore
frankConfig: frank-manual/srcSteps/Frank2Transactions/v525
iafUtilAllowed: true
withDocker: true
waitTime: 600
name: ${{}} - Test that Frank config has no warnings
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Show additional properties
run: echo "Testing ${{matrix.frankConfig}} with iafUtilAllowed = ${{ matrix.iafUtilAllowed }} and withDocker = ${{ matrix.withDocker }}"
- name: Checkout Frank!Runner
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: wearefrank/frank-runner
path: frank-runner
- name: See commit number of checked-out frank-runner
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: git log -1
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Set port where Frank!Framework is served
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: echo "tomcat.connector.port=8090" > frank-runner/
- name: Set debug to true
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: echo "debug=true" >> frank-runner/
- name: Set projects.dir
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: echo "projects.dir=.." >> frank-runner/
- name: Select the configuration in the manual we want to test
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: echo "project.dir=${{matrix.frankConfig}}" >> frank-runner/
- name: Checkout frank-manual
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: frank-manual
- name: Change the port queried by the test to the default - 8090
if: ${{ ! matrix.port }}
run: ./ ../../cypress/cypress.config.ts 8090
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Change the port queried by the test to ${{ matrix.port }}
if: ${{ matrix.port }}
run: ./ ../../cypress/cypress.config.ts ${{ matrix.port }}
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Use Node.js 20.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 20.x
cache: "yarn"
cache-dependency-path: "**/yarn.lock"
- name: Show node version
run: node -v
working-directory: "frank-manual/cypress"
- name: Show yarn version
run: yarn -v
working-directory: "frank-manual/cypress"
- name: Install packages
run: yarn install --immutable
working-directory: frank-manual/cypress
- name: Cache Frank!Runner dependencies - build
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: frank-runner/build
key: ${{ runner.os }}${{ matrix.frankConfig }}-frank-runner-build
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}${{ matrix.frankConfig }}-frank-runner-build
- name: Cache Frank!Runner dependencies - download
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: frank-runner/download
key: ${{ runner.os }}${{ matrix.frankConfig }}-frank-runner-download
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}${{ matrix.frankConfig }}-frank-runner-download
- name: Show current time, allows you to check that logs are not old
run: date
- name: Let Frank!Runner do its downloads
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: ./ > installFrankRunnerEnv.log
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Show apache-tomcat directories
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: find . -path './build/*' -name 'apache-tomcat*'
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Remove old Tomcat directories
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: rm -rf ./build/apache-tomcat-9*
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Check that there is only one version of Tomcat
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: test $(find . -path './build/*' -name 'apache-tomcat*' | wc -w) -eq 1
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Delete old Ladybug test reports
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: find . -path './build/apache-tomcat*/logs/testtool*' -delete
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Remove old catalina.out
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: find . -path './build/apache-tomcat*/catalina.out' -delete
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Start server using Frank!Runner in background
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker != true }}
run: ./ > serverStartLog.log &
working-directory: frank-runner
- name: Start server using docker-compose
if: ${{ matrix.withDocker == true }}
run: docker compose up &
working-directory: ${{ matrix.frankConfig }}
- name: Wait for server to be available - default port 8090 - default time 240
if: ${{ ! matrix.port && ! matrix.waitTime }}
run: ./ http://localhost:8090 240
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Wait for server to be available - port ${{ matrix.port }} - default time 240
if: ${{ matrix.port && ! matrix.waitTime }}
run: ./ http://localhost:${{ matrix.port }} 240
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Wait for server to be available - default port 8090 - time ${{ matrix.waitTime }}
if: ${{ ! matrix.port && matrix.waitTime }}
run: ./ http://localhost:8090 ${{ matrix.waitTime }}
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Wait for server to be available - port ${{ matrix.port }} - time ${{ matrix.waitTime }}
if: ${{ matrix.port && matrix.waitTime }}
run: ./ http://localhost:${{ matrix.port }} ${{ matrix.waitTime }}
working-directory: frank-manual/.github/workflows
- name: Run the tests - really no warnings
if: ${{ matrix.iafUtilAllowed != true }}
run: yarn run cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/,cypress/e2e/ --env expectedFrankConfigs='[${{ matrix.expectedFrankConfigs }}]'
working-directory: frank-manual/cypress
- name: Run the tests - allow warning about IAF_Util
if: ${{ matrix.iafUtilAllowed == true }}
run: yarn run cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/,cypress/e2e/ --env expectedFrankConfigs='[${{ matrix.expectedFrankConfigs }}]'
working-directory: frank-manual/cypress
- name: Try to access server directly with curl - default port 8090
if: ${{ ! matrix.port }}
run: curl -v -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8090/iaf/ladybug/api/report/all/Test
- name: Try to access server directly with curl - port ${{ matrix.port }}
if: ${{ matrix.port }}
run: curl -v -i -X DELETE http://localhost:${{ matrix.port }}/iaf/ladybug/api/report/all/Test
- name: Show files
run: tree -L 5 .
if: always()
- name: Store video
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ failure() }}
name: videos ${{ }}
path: frank-manual/cypress/cypress/videos