📍 I'm from Colombia, raised in a city called Medellín. You should visit us someday.
🎓 Currently studying Software Development at Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano and Riwi.
🔎 Flowing from Backend to Frontend. I just love exploring new techs and creative fields.
🌱 In my free time, I pursue Graphic Design and Visual Arts projects as some of my passions.
🧠 I'm on track for learning more about UX / UI Design. Also into calisthenics.
💬 Feel free to reach me out for working on any of your potential ideas... or just for a chat too.
📭 You can send me an email at franccoina@gmail.com. I'll try to respond as soon as I can.
📄 Have a look at my profile for more details about me. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!