This plugin provides features for building custom rounds.
Main config file with custom rounds settings located in configs/custom_rounds/rounds.ini.
Config example:
"no_weapon" "1"
"no_buy" "1"
"AWP - No Zoom"
"give" "weapon_awp"
"ammo" "1"
"no_zoom" "1"
"no_weapon" "1"
"no_knife" "1"
"no_buy" "1"
"message" "No zoom round started!"
"Nova + Revolver"
"give" "weapon_nova"
"give" "weapon_revoler"
"no_buy" "1"
"clear_weapon" "1"
"equip" "weapon_fists"
"no_weapon" "1"
"no_buy" "1"
"gravity" "0.5"
"speed" "2"
"hp" "50"
"armor" "50"
"cmd" "sm_drug @all"
Basic menu for plugin. With this menu admins can launch rounds from admin menu.
Provides keys for weapon control
"block_pickup" "1" // Block all weapons to been pickuped if they not is specified in cofing.
"no_knife" "1" // Take knifes from players
"no_weapon" "1" // Clear all player weapons
"clear_map" "1" // Clear map from weapons
"Weapons" // Gives specified weapons on each player spawn
"give" "weapon_awp" // Just give
"give" "weapon_deagle"
"equip" "weapon_fists" // Give and equip (for special weapon types, like fists)
"ignore" "weapon_knife" // Ignored weapons with "block_pickup" "1"
sm_cr_weapons_save_weapon - Save weapons before custom round start." sm_cr_weapons_clear_weapon - Strip all weapons from players, when custom rounds starts with weapons."
Provdies keys for misc things.
"gravity" "0.2" // Set players gravity. (1.0 is default gravity)
"speed" "1.5" // Set players movespeed. (1.0 is default movespeed)
"invisibility" "50" // Set player invisibility. (255 is default alpha)
"hp" "120" // Set player health.
"armor" "120" // Set player armor.
"helmet" "1" // Set player helmet.
sm_cr_misc_save_armor - Save players armor.
Provides keys for exec server commands.
"cmd" "sm_drug @all; mp_teammates_are_enemies 1" // Exec Commands/Cvars on round start.
"end_cmd" "mp_teammates_are_enemies 0" // Exec Commands/Cvar on round end.
Provdies key for no zoom.
"no_zoom" "1" // Set no zoom for rifles.
Provdies key for only headshot.
"only_head" "1" // Enables only headshot.
Provides key for ammo control. Better use sv_infinite_ammo in ### Server Commands if you use it.
"ammo" "1" // Set absolute infinite ammo.
"ammo" "2" // Set infinite stock ammo.
Provide key for disable buy zones.
"no_buy" "1" // Disables all buy zones until custom round ends.
Provide keys for message send on round start, or end.
"message" "My top round started." // Print message on round start.
"end_message" "My top round ended." // Print message on round end.
Also you can use translation phrases in this keys from **custom_rounds.phrases.txt**. Example:
"message" "MyTopTranslationPhrase_RoundStart"
"end_message" "MyTopTranslationPhrase_RoundEnd"
Provide keys for custom chat triggers for launch rounds.
"chat_force" "round1" // Chat trigger for force round start.
"chat_next" "round1n" // Chat trigger for set next round.
Provide key for open doors via Smart Jail Doors .
"open_doors" "1" // Open all specified doors.
Requires Smart Jail Doors.
Prints info about plugin events. Print info about started round, canceled current/next rounds and etc.
Module for control round frequency.
sm_cr_round_interval - Interval beetwen rounds. 0 - disabled.
Module for log admins actions.
sm_cr_logs_path - Log file name. Default is "Custom_Rounds". Leave empty for default SM log file.
Module for start custom rounds without admins. Config file located in configs/custom_rounds/autostart.ini.
Config example:
"mode" "1" // 1 - launch each N rounds. | 2 - launch each N seconds. | 3 - launch with N chance.
"value" "6" // Round number. | Seconds. | Chance.
// Ignored rounds