As part of the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School in Trieste (5-16 Aug 2019), ELIXIR Training has contributed in the organization of the flanking Advanced Bioinformatics workshop (19-23 Aug 2019) with a particular focus on Machine Learning applications.
This advanced bioinformatics course provided an overview of the current status of different NGS workflows (variant calling, RNA-Seq etc), and combined them with the appropriate Machine Learning and Data Mining approaches. After providing a strong foundation of the underlying theory and concepts, the course relied heavily on hand-on exercises and tutorials in order for the participants to directly apply and practice on methods and techniques presented throughout each day.
The material is organized into four days / modules:
- Experimental Design and Statistics
- Introduction to basic NGS pipelines
- Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics
- Introduction to workflows and Nextflow
All content has been designed to work with the readthedocs platform, with the rendered site being available here.