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Tim Vinkemeier edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Base package: eu.netide.*

Project Structure

The core project is built on top of Apache Karaf and is therefore implemented as OSGi bundles. The core currently consists of the following modules:

  • core.api
  • core.caos
  • core.connectivity

The modules are built using Maven, the root pom.xml combines them into the core project.

Module core.api

This bundle contains all shared interfaces and classes for the core, structured into the following Java packages:

  • core.api: Shared interfaces and classes for core services
  • core.api.netip: Classes for parsing and creating messages using the NetIDE Intermediate Protocol

This bundle does not have any OSGi-dependencies (except for the framework itself), but embeds OpenFlowJ.

Module core.caos

This bundle contains the composition and conflict resolution logic and related services inside the core.caos package in the following packages:

  • core.caos: Runtime logic and services for composition and conflict resolution
  • core.caos.composition: Classes for the (de-)serialization of composition specifications and their in-memory representation

It has a dependency on the core.api bundle and embeds JDOM2.

Module core.connectivity

This bundle implements the services necessary to establish a connection with the shim and backends. Currently, it implements a ZeroMQ-based connector inside the core.connectivity package. It has a dependency on the core.api bundle and embeds JeroMQ.


This bundle implements the management interface for the core using ZeroMQ transport and a yet-to-be-determined protocol. It allows to set and query configuration data. Internally, it uses Blueprint configuration to dynamically adapt the running core. It has a dependency on the core.api and org.apache.karaf.config.core bundles and embeds JeroMQ and org.json.

Module core.logpub

This bundle contains the LogPub module of the core. It has a interprocess queue to receive the messages pushed by the core.connectivity and publish them to a PUB queue. The external tools (like the Logger) will subscribe to that queue.

Used frameworks and technologies

  • Java NetIP library (see lib folder)
  • Maven for building the projects (especially the maven-bundle-plugin)
  • Apache Karaf as the runtime OSGi container
  • Apache Aries Blueprint for service discovery and injection
  • Apache Aries Blueprint Configuration (using Karaf's ConfigAdmin service) for dynamic adaption to configuration changes
    • In cooperation with Karaf's JMX MBeanServer for configuration changes through code
  • ZeroMQ for external interfaces (using the Java-only JeroMQ library)
  • OpenFlowJ from the ONOS project to parse and generate OpenFlow messages
  • org.json for parsing and creating payloads for ManagementMessages
  • SLF4J for logging (provided by Karaf)

How to deploy


  • The core requires the Java NetIP library in your local Maven repository for a successful build. Therefore, go to the lib/netip/java directory and run mvn clean install before continuing.

Core Deployment

  1. Clone the CoreImplementation branch of the repository to your machine.
  2. Go to the core directory and run mvn clean install. This will build the bundles and install them to your local Maven repository.
  3. Download Apache Karaf. (I recommend at least version
  4. Start Karaf by going into the downloaded folder and running bin/karaf.
  5. Install the netide-core feature by first adding the feature repository file via feature:repo-add mvn:eu.netide.core/core/ and then running feature:install netide-core.
    • The output shold indicate that the core is waiting for the shim to connect.